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Big One One Nine

A nick name used by most residents of Lake County, Indiana and the East-side of Chicago for 119th street in Whiting, IN. Once a major cruising destination, its now fallen on hard times. No longer do truckloads of teenagers sit in their vechiles all night long.

Back in the day, we used to cruise the big one one nine all night in a hemi powered Cobra.

by Joe Iron May 21, 2007

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da big ones

big buldging often retarted ball sack which ejaculates orange acidic liquid.

man that dudes got da big ones... gewww

by ultra mega sexy dude October 16, 2007

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Hamza has a big one


OMG hamza has a big one STIFFY I LOVE IT

by hamzaaisfalsjfnasknasldf April 11, 2019

Doing the big one

1. Another name for Sexual intercourse
2. Intense sexual intercourse
3. Kinda like "doing the nasty" but different name
4. Fucking every day all the time

Steve has sex every day, so he's doing the big one

John's in another room, and you hear humping. He's doing the "big one".

by cguy20 April 17, 2010

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Bavarian Big One

something that completely sucks.

getting really screwed over by a friend that you were depending on

"That Bites the Bavarian Big One."

My Pap use to Always say When he had to do Something that he did not want to, or if My Grandma would ask him Something,
"That really Bites the Bavarian Big One. Well, come on lets go."

by Ronny Placzek February 13, 2008

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Usul has called a big one

Indicates the need to take a particularly large crap. Originates from the movie Dune.

"Hey bra, where ya headed?"
"To the can. Usul has called a big one."

by Jimboat January 15, 2012

Big Rubbery One

Slang. Refers to the flaccid state of the penis after experiencing something that causes one to become unaroused.

"Strangers with this kind of honesty make me go a big rubbery one, if you know what I mean."

by monobrau May 2, 2008

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