Source Code


A homosexual who resides on the stickfab discord server

Billion#0001 is gay

by TechStore July 30, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dash Billions

The greatest /b/tard ever.

"Hey man, Dash Billions is flooding the /l/ forum."
"He's my hero."

by Jukebox Emperor January 7, 2005

35๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

British Billion

this is a true billion not a thousand milion like the american bilion (1,000,000,000)
a true and british billion is a milllion million (because a milkion is a thousand thousand cos u cant have thousand thousand so next number up)
a real true british billion is


a 1 followed by 12 zero's

a treu british billion is


a 1 followed by 12 zero's

by Bigboff August 9, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

S.A.M Billions

Simply About Myself, Suicide Ain't Me with billions in the following. I am S.A.M represents you as a whole. Focusing on thyself promoting selflove.

I am S.A.M billions.

by S.A.M February 8, 2022

Billion Band

A band whose most popular song on Youtube has over one billion views.

Ex. 1: Twenty One Pilots is a billion band, its most viewed song has 1.4 billion views on Youtube
Ex. 2: Imagine Dragons is not a billion band, its most viewed song has 940 million views on Youtube

by LoL Champion Definitions August 17, 2018

7 billion

Basically how many people are in the world.NOW SH.

So how many people are in the world?
7 billion.
Well it's 2022 SO SHUSH.
What does that have to do with this.
There may be more.

by moonfishsea June 7, 2022

Wan Billion

When James Wan's film, AQUAMAN reached one billion despite all the hate it got at the start.

Wan went Full WAN BILLION as opposed to One Billion.

Holy Shit! he is Wan in Wan Billion.

by BiriYani January 13, 2019