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adjective for feeling good or having something good happen to you.

"Yo son, i just found a fat dub sack lying on the street, lets go smoke it up homes"
"Fa shure, were blessed!"

by Bagga man January 26, 2008

310πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž


When you to fit in by acting like you are lucky or chosen. Mostly used by young adolescences.

I almost died but I just missed the other car #blessed.

by KonnexGaming November 21, 2016

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


She is the girl that knows her worth, loves herself but doesn't ever stop loving you .You will find her your everything once you really get to know her .She will be your angel, your baby girl . She is the girl that you miss and she is the girl that can get a man to beg for her just by being silent. Yes Blessing's silence is never for nothing it hurts once a Blessing is mute. Beautiful,funny and driven girl that you should never let go off EVER .Never get decieved when she says she is okay,it means she's not and if you're someone that she finds close or even dating and she just closes up, it's not because she is bitchy, you genuinely hurt her and she probably thinks it's best to close up

Guy: she's so cute and cool but too intimidating

Guy 2:Nah bro go talk to her ,it's Blessing, she will turn into your everything just wait and see

by kaylaa&evo June 17, 2020

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


An elevated state that only few ever achieve: being motivated to go from partying, smoking, and drinking to work on your own business whatever it maybe. To most this motivation often comes to them suddenly or even in a dream as if it is an act of God. A divine being hand picking you, because he/she thinks your destined for greater things making the people it’s happened too feel blessed.

Person: I’m lonely as fuck G. All I do is sit in my house and work, but I guess it’s all good. It’s how it goes when your blessed.

by LemonSavage February 10, 2018

37πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


in my area its wot rude boys say 2 each other wen they part company ... its like sayin goodbye

im goin now ma breadbin ... bless!

they do it cos they think if they hug each otha ppl will think that theyre gay

by breadbin October 30, 2003

614πŸ‘ 322πŸ‘Ž


Blessing is one of the most beautiful people you will EVER meet. She is extremely kind and generous. She is popular but she doesn't let that get to her head. She is actually really smart even though she may seem like she's not. On the outside, she is smiling but deep down she is actually hurt. She wants someone that will love for who she is, not for her popularity and looks. All the boys want her, all the girls want to be her and everyone wants to be her friend.

*blessing walks in the room*
*all eyes on her*

by teehee_1 June 5, 2020

Blessed it

When someone does something kind or pulls through and has your back.

When you thank someone for doing something for you, you tell them they β€œblessed it”

He delivered food to my quarantine, he really blessed it!

by Test Negative Stay Positive May 18, 2020