Source Code


bous meaning that a person who is clapped

You are a fucking bous

by Poxy finder April 10, 2021


when a person cannot contain their silliness

“We bouing fr fr.”

by b0u December 30, 2022

Cheesy Bou

The moon

Me: It's a Cheesy Bou

Cheesy Bou: Sup nigga

by *eats in Korean* April 5, 2018

wavy bous

sad bois that tryna front like they're fine, that they're ok/cool/happy - but they're not

Lauren: Hey, look at that guy he looks like he's pretty chill and happy.
Ken: Nah, that's a wavy bous, he tells me sad stories all the time.

by justasadboi October 25, 2018

Chan Dara Bou

A good Cambodian and Sanskrit friend who will sometimes kill you and take your money. and also gives money too!

My friend is Chan Dara Bou

by KCMRAH September 13, 2023

how bou nah

How bou nah is a cooler and faster way to write how about no, most young people use it because they think its cool or because they just dont have enough time to write how about no

me: "Wanna hang out"
my friend: "how bou nah"
me: "k"

by Paloftzer March 16, 2018

Bouley Bou Bou

The most majestic, sexiest and chubbiest dog on earth. Loves people and is really nice. Pretty much just a perfect dog.

Viens ici mon beau Bouley Bou Bou

by Stranger things lover August 7, 2018