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Can either be the most beautiful or the ugliest accessory, depending completely on the people who wear it.

I don't mind braces on a hot Asian chick (I love them in fact), but it annoys the hell out of me when I see some pizza-faced geek wearing them.

by Lysergsaure August 24, 2006

128πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


1.Medievil teeth straitening devices.(also torture devices 2.For people enjoy hurting the people they kiss. 3.For people to dont like going down on guys with foreskin. you just cercomsize them with your braces. 4.For fat people. you lose so mch weight with braces cause most of the junk food you cant eat.

1.Evil dentist: you need medievil teeth strai... i mean braces.

2.*whispers to friend* hey dare me to kis that guy over there and hurt him cause i got braces....

3.**thinks to self** eww he has foreskin.. hmm iknow what to do **smiles** **braces glissen** guy: **sreams**

4. TV voice: Need to lose weight? well get braces you fatty.

by XxtroubledchildxX June 17, 2007

73πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


The (probably) living and breathing version of hell, and a contraption that converts hot people into fugly nerds, like myself.

Briana:Crap, I have to get braces.
Ken:Im gonna go hump Barbie
Ken:Your braces make you fugly

by aRetardedSquirrel November 24, 2006

75πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


The most horrifying thing to have in your mouth (other than headgear). They stretch all across every single one of your teeth and they hurt very badly when tightened by the orthodontist. It's like if you put a magnet even near your mouth, it will pull to your teeth because your mouth is filled with metal. And usually people must wear braces for at least 1-2 years. It's terrible. Near the end of your "treatment", you have to wear mini rubber bands inside your mouth and wear them every single second of the day (but take them out when you eat). Ugh. And when all that is finished and they take the braces off, they fit your mouth for two retainers that you have to wear for the REST OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE ON PLANET EARTH!

Nicknames that you can be called with braces:

Jimmy: Hey man!
Doug: Hi.
Jimmy: What's that shiny thing I saw in your mouth?
Doug: ...Braces...
Jimmy: DUDE!
Doug: Yeah...
Doug: Dude??? What the crap???
Jimmy: Braceface braceface braceface braceface!
Doug: Dude, SHUTUP!

(2 weeks later)
Doug: Hey!
Jimmy: Hi...
Doug: Man, did you get braces?
Jimmy: Maybe...
Doug: HA! WHAT NOW???

by theGREATzebrah June 27, 2011

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

In- Braced

When two people with braces are kissing and their braces get stuck together

"OMG! I saw these two kissing and they totally in- braced"

by Lilcocoladi May 15, 2009


Someone who is foolish, or does foolish actions. Equivalent to going β€œFull Retard”

I just pulled a BRACE move.
Dammit Evan you’re being a real BRACE right now.
Holy shit what I did was so BRACE.

by ClapmasterGflex December 29, 2021


legal torture where they pull some of your teeth out so they can put the braces on earlier, shoe some little rubber rings called spacer in between your teeth, then pull those out and shove an expander in and then shove some braces on, tighten them. and hey you think its not so bad until its time for dinner and ohh the pain. your mouth hurts forever until they tighten the braces and it hurts more. then they give you rubber bands which just pop in your mouth. then they just want to ruin your social life by making you wear headgear, and their like your done after only 5 years of pain. and you are like yaaaayy but they just give you a retainer, but then 1 year later for a check-up their like you need braces again and you are ike noooooo

dude i got ahhh oh the pain ahh braces

by cade aren December 16, 2019