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Cia is a Beautiful woman who Has a body from a Goddess, great looks, and smile that will brighten up your mood. She is extremley nice and someone you would want to have as your friend. However, Cia is not one to mess with for she will beat the pure shit out of anyone that tries her.

"I got me a Cia"
"My bestfriend is Cia and she'll beat your ass for me"

by Black Reign July 24, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


CIA: Corrupt Imperialist Assholes. Supposedly an intelligence gathering agency, but its primary function is to make the world safe for McDonald's by fucking with anyone who threatens the elite's access to natural resources - more specifically, an agency who's primary function is to make the world safe for those who have controlling shares of large, American corporations. propaganda evil brainwashing waterboarding satan cult new world order

Dick Cheney to George Bush: "Remember George, just keep reading the goat story to those children after I give the go to the CIA to do the Twin Towers. By Satan, we'll show those renegade Taliban fucks who really owns those poppy fields and that oil pipeline! After that, we'll teach that stupid prick, Saddam, that the only good dictator is the one who follows fucking orders!"

by Scott Vines October 20, 2007

172๐Ÿ‘ 316๐Ÿ‘Ž

cia cia cia

The malaysian meme. Its will speak right after they do the 'pickupline'. The victim of this situation is commonly and probably their crush, bestfriend and also their family. It shown if someone say this, they will make them look funny and more friendly.

"Hey, you look pretty today."

"Really? "
" Yup, pretty ugly ! "

by Muhsin00 December 27, 2016

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


*Culinary Institute of America*

Yeah, a college so people can learn to cook.
It's all about the food.
It's funny when you say the CIA and people who aren't from the hudson valley will be like, "whoa, the CIA!?!?"

do i really need an example? you people get it, right?
it's the CIA.

by kalie w. July 3, 2006

97๐Ÿ‘ 239๐Ÿ‘Ž


cunt inspectors association

hellyeah, i work in the CIA, i inspect woman cunts. whats up with it?

by DJflip October 2, 2005

28๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž


In a MMORPG specifically, World of Warcraft, to loot an item which you do not have the right to loot. Simply to steal an item by looting it before it can be given to its rightful recipiant.

Closely related to Ninja looter

"That bastard rogue cias'ed my boots! He can't even wear mail!"

by Rassachan August 9, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž

CIA Special

Two bullets in the back of the head, then they sprinkle cocaine on your corpse, and rule your death a suicide

Tom found out something he shouldn't have and ended up with the CIA Special

by Freakingdoomguy November 2, 2017