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Close of Play

Increasingly common on business bullshit bingo cards the English-speaking world over, 'close of play' is the latest way to say '5.30', presumably employed by people a) to make the working day seem more fun, by describing it as 'play' b) because they are cunts.

Presumably, like the equally execrable 'touch base', the expression originated in a shit American sport.

So where are we gonna be by close of play?

We're not playing. I'm working. You're talking like a prick.

Ok, I need to touch base with the client before close of play.

Oh right.

by BobbyBarcode May 13, 2012

163๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Close the shades

A variation of the term "shut up," meaning to stop making noise.

Person 1: Oh, I just love having the shades open! It brings in so much sunlight that way! Don't you just love it? I can't get enough of that sunlight! Oh, I tell ya, I-
Person 2: Dude, close the shades!

by Soupy November 3, 2008

close to the vest

keep something secret, to hold something close so no one else can see it

Though it was just a friendly game of Go-Fish, Henry kept his cards close to the vest, not letting anyone else see which cards he held.

He played the murder close to the vest so he could work out all the details before the police found out.

by social catalyst February 2, 2006

103๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

get close

Get close is a phrase commonly sent on snapchat which means start talking, or talk to me and we can see if we can link (get together)

Someone get close xx
Hey x
Hey b x

by Csxx2003 August 15, 2017

115๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Close The Curtains

Definition 1:To commit Suicide/ End your life

Definition 2: to End or Discontinue something

Person 1: You and Laiylah still date?

Person 2: Yeah I love her to death, but I know one thing for certain, if she leaves Iโ€™ll Close The Curtains

by Jaiylor May 24, 2020

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

close shave

The situation, when you almost got in the any trouble, but the last moment you didn't. You got lucky.


" Phew, I almost fall in the water. That was a close shave!"

by sanijaswan November 3, 2013

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Close Ranks

When you see a group of girls and you approach to spit game, but they ignore you or turn hostile and don't allow you to approach them.

Me to friends: Look at that group of chicks over at the bar. Let's go spit some game.

Friends to me: I wouldn't bother. They'll probably close ranks as soon as they see you walking toward them.

by Hearshotkid_2113 August 24, 2018