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The magnitude or severity to which one person acts like an ass.

Nicole: My co-worker sux; she's such a bitch.
Dave: I know what it's like to work with someone of that ass-caliber! My boss is probably a 90.

by Dave53213 March 22, 2006


Calib is a lot to deal with, he is very impatient but if u forget about that then he’s a cool person to be around and a very nice person. He makes a lot of jokes some funny and some big bug just laugh to build his ego.

Girl: calib is sooooo funny omg!

by Sexcccccc chick July 11, 2022


Someone who is very stupid, tends to drag their feet and take a long time to complete even the simplest tasks.
He always means well but can be very irritating to most. Thinks he has more friends then he really does, genuine person but very lazy in anything they do

James; hey is that calib coming?

John; yeah look at him dragging his feet

by Wordsmithsrygoer November 15, 2022


someone who doesn’t love terah more :) <3

calib: i love you more

terah: *goes to urban dictionary and looks up calibs name to find this and ss to send to him*

by justt.laven December 30, 2022