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F*** My Life, if you spell it/say it Canadia you need to get off this website throw your computer out the window and go rethink your life

"Why the hell are you spelling it Canadia"

by Wrong345 October 24, 2018

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Me, cuz i am the hottest canadian to ever become an illegal alien in the US! yeah, Canada!!

Nickname cuz kids are too lazy to say canadian

" Hey Canadia!"

by CanadiaBaby! May 16, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


Canadia is the country north of the United States. (It's real name is Canada, I'm not an idiot that's just how I say it for fun)

I went to Canadia to see the falls!

by Kingtoocan August 27, 2017

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The Canadian version of Canada.

Did you hear? Canada finally conquered Canadia!

by dawson the pie October 19, 2016

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The place where small boys make maple syrup, spike up their hair in weird ways and worry too much, and also say aboot to annoy outsiders. If they become bored of the country, they have the option to move to a superior location, i.e Scotland.

Person 1 : Look he's small and likes maple syrup!
Person 2 : That's because he's from Canadia

by PrutoPlz November 24, 2012

2๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


canadia is a better way of saying Canada. It is known to piss off Candians if an American says it, because it makes them think we are all ignorant bastards. Thus, when speaking to Canadians, always refer to Canada as Canadia. Canadia also sounds like an american state, suggesting that we will soon invade Canada and take over their army of moose and bears. Cheers!

As soon as we invade Canada and make it Canadia, we will have 51 states.

Canadia is known for its maple syrup.....and hockey.....and thats about it.

by Calebgothigh December 9, 2008

78๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


the name for a steriotype, where all canadians walk to school in 6 feet of snow, uphills both ways, wearing grampas pjamas. Most of these canadians live in igloos and wears touques all the time while eating seal blubber and saying "Eh?" after every sentence.

Dan: wanna go catch a fresh batch of seal Eh? up here in canadia?
Corey: sure eh?
Travis: nah, i cant go eh, i gotta go to america, get mugged, shot and an AIDS.

by not a dumbass american December 18, 2006

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