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an amazing chick
a best friend
a hot girl
an AFSE (advocate for the sexual experience)
a gift from god

"Celeste and i had a great time"

by Cookie Doe August 26, 2008

983๐Ÿ‘ 817๐Ÿ‘Ž


A celeste usally has brown hair, perfect lips, and hazel or blue eyes.She has a hourglass body and ussally get all the boys.she is shy,stuburn,and is really good at kissing. She is heavanly in all ways. PLUS she make a good sister,friend,or girlfriend.

Damn your girlfriend is atrue celeste!
Yay dude i know shes awesome!

by Chocolate_lover05 November 20, 2016

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A very beautiful female and the perfect girlfriend a man could ask for. One who likes to continously bite. Even though she may win fights its because her boyfriend is being nice to her and letting her win :)

"Im so glad to have a Celeste in my life"

by J Mont December 25, 2008

746๐Ÿ‘ 635๐Ÿ‘Ž


A gorgous girl, any guy in their right mind would dream of having, even though sometimes she's stubbon. She makes up for it by also being kind and funny, her confidence - if possible - exedes her beauty, they are generally blond and have brown eyes. Just remember you never want to get on a Celeste's bad side or you will be slapped by several of her girlfriends!

Guy1: man, what did you do to Celeste? Guy2: how did you know I did something to Celeste?. Guy1: you just got slapped by Megan, Rachel and Sue, you obviously got on Celeste's bad side! Guy2: yeah but I am not mad at her... Guy2: well how can you stay mad at a beautiful girl like Celeste?

by Zackakazam! November 21, 2010

270๐Ÿ‘ 244๐Ÿ‘Ž


Celeste's are total hot heads. They have brown hair and light blue eyes. They know how to kick ass so watch out. Celeste's are very loyal and are super funny. Overall, Celeste's are great girlfriends. They are very hot and also very skinny. Guys (and girls) would die to have a Celeste in their life. If you have a Celeste in your life, DON'T FUCKING SCREW IT UP!!! If you do she will be gone in an instant. You can trust a Celeste with every secret you have and she won't tell a soul. Celeste's are amazing people. If you ever date a Celeste, it will feel like winning the lottery. Most Celeste's are strait but occasionally you might find either a bisexual or pansexual Celeste . Either way, Celeste's are amazing girls.

Guy1: Wow! Look at that girl. She's so hot!
Guy2: she must be a Celeste.
Guy1: I bet she's already taken though.

Guy1: Hey look it's that girl Celeste!
Guy2: I heard she was taken.
Guy1: Yeah? By whom.
Guy2: I heard she was dating a Payton

by CelestinaWeeb October 16, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The girl who leaves a social gathering without warning or saying goodbye. The disappearing friend.

Where did she go?

Oh, she must have left and just pulled a Celeste.

by C_leagues July 15, 2014

30๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


A gurl who comes off crazy because she probably is. She can be rage-full at times and says really mean things that she always feels excruciatingly bad about it moments, hours, days, months and sometimes years later. She never wants to see anyone in pain; but if you cause Celeste or anyone she cares about any pain you will be on her shit list. It's not a fun place to be. Celeste loves with her entire being and is easily hurt. Celeste has compassion most times when understanding a situation. Celeste has passion and gratitude.

Celeste is not perfect; she can be a royal bitch some times guys.

by PineappleJuice March 24, 2015

30๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž