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charter kid

the weirdest kids you'll ever meet. they love to talk about war and they play computer games during class. due to the small class sizes, they have no social experience, and it's likely that they don't play sports.

normal person 1: ewww is that a charter kid
normal person 2: yeah don't go near them they're disgusting and awkward

by melatoninloverxx January 26, 2020

Penn Charter

Penn Charter is a center of higher learning founded in 1689 by William Penn Charter. 40% of the kids recieve financial aid (compared to 16% at ther rival school Germantown Academy.) Thus proving that in fact Penn Charter has a more diverse student body and is less "preppy." Also one might note that if a letter y is added on to the initials of Germantown Academy you could have a word that decribes said school to a tee. GA and PC are both a part of the longest rivalry in high school football. PC leads the series 72-33-11.

That kid is so Penn Charter... hes a well rounded, nice young student.

by Tony Fennerty February 27, 2005

132πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž

Penn Charter

pseudo hippie quaker school full of rich white kids in cable knit sweaters who smoke pot and get f-ed up every or go to lots of concerts because they never have any good parties.

That kid si so Penn Charter...he's a total douche bag

by B January 17, 2005

145πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž

charter school

Fucking gay schools where a certain number of students are allowed. Nothing interesting happens in charter schools. Little bit of people.

Fuck why the hell did I have to get accepted to this gay charter school.. I wanna go back to my old public school.

by AC March 21, 2005

92πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž

Charter school

The education is extremely bad and overrated. The education at charter schools are a joke compared to traditional public schools. Almost all the students there are forced to go there because of their parents believe it’s good when they don’t understand anything and believe some stupid person who never went there that it is good. Field days are typically 1-2 hours long and not in a field. Also the ELA teachers are literally the the lunch ladies at the shitty charter school I was forced to go too. Takes money from traditional public schools and complains about being poor when they have TVs in the hallway to plug their instagram.

Someone who never went to a charter school nor had a child who went there said it was really good and free so my parents sent me there without my consent

by HiBot June 7, 2019

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

charter school

Best damn school there is. Beats the hell out of public schools because in this you get one-on-one with a teacher. You only go to school once a week for one hour! It's simple...you pick up your homework packets which are easy...then come in on school and take the test. Each test you pass you get a credit.
Charter school students graduate before Public schools.

My grades sucked at my public school but when I joined charter school I was actually passing.

by Bobby De Niro October 16, 2004

103πŸ‘ 124πŸ‘Ž

Charter School

A public school with small class sizes and less students. They can be hard to get in sometimes. These schools,(from my experience) are generally either elitist, or for kids who are mentally challenged. Charter schools often have uniforms, and the kids are pretty sheltered.

The kid thinks she's so special cause she goes to a charter school, but she's got no clue.

by an idiot defines... March 25, 2021

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž