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Cherie Blair

The wife of our 'esteemed' Prime Minister, Cherie Blair (formerly Booth) met Tony (formerly Anthony) at a balloon party. Since her husband came to power, Miss Cruella de Ville has wasted thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money on her hairdressing. She charged a charity almost all of the money it had made just for standing up and burbling on about absolutely nothing for five minutes (the charity went belly-up as a result). She now considers herself superior to the Queen, and is making a fortune from her position as the PM's wife. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if she's forced her husband into staying on as PM when it's clear to everyone he should have resigned long ago.

Cherie Blair gets up on stage and blubs about how she's missing her son who's at university.

Cherie, what about all the people your husband has sent to Iraq to fight and maybe die in a war just to inflate his ego! They're all someone's sons!

by StormSworder August 14, 2006

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Mon cheri

A term of endearment used for a male sweetheart.

Me: I adore you, mon cheri.
My boyfriend: I love you back, mon cheri.
Me: No, mon cheri, I cannot be your "mon cheri."
My boyfriend: Why not, mon cheri?
Me: Because I am a woman, mon cheri.
My boyfriend: What are you then, mon cheri?
Me: You need to call me "ma cherie" because I am female.
My boyfriend: You are so smart, ma cherie.
Me: And you make me delirious in bed, mon cheri.

by kjstjohn October 27, 2009

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Cherie Blair

Somewhat scary looking wife of British Prime Minster Tony Blair.

"Eh, seen dat Cherie Blair? She'd not look outta place in The Addams Family."

by Lord Ass June 27, 2005

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Mon Cheri

A french word and it means "my dear"
a beautiful word and good as a name

Me:Hey, Mon Cheri?
You are beautiful!
her:Thank you.
me:your welcome.

by Raheem Smith October 4, 2008

382๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chery Muffin

The act of inserting the scrotum into the vaginal crease and thrusting hard enough to cause a queef.

Ryan harshly grunted after giving his girlfriend a chery muffin.

by Chickeniza April 19, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cherie Blair

A post box camouflaged as the wife of the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair - that is Cherie Blair. Cherie was born on 23rd September 1954 in Bury, Greater Manchester. Her father was Tony Booth who starred in Till Death Us Do Part. Cherie is a successful lawyer and Queen's Counsel

Although her husband and George W. Bush are good buddies, in October of 2004 Cherie Blair lambasted President Bush over his policies on terrorist prisoners and gay rights.

by Stias August 28, 2005

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Cheri MacKenzie

a sexy girl that every guy wants to bang. With the sweetest name ever, this girl is kind, caring, sensitive, and loving. She will do anything for her the ones she cares about, and will go above and beyond to make people smile. She is playful, fun, outgoing, wackey, and has a childlike innocence about her. She is a great friend, and an amazing lover. She makes friends easy, and is easy to open up to. Make friends with this girl and you have a friend for life!

Did you see that girl over there? What a Cheri MacKenzie!

by Sourly sweet February 5, 2010