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Chris has Chlamydia

You know it, i know it, lets stop beating around the bush here... Chris has Chlamydia.

Ditmar: ...then he said the n-word for the 10th time in one day.
Jake: what do you expect from someone with Chlamydia?

Ditmar: yeah Chris has Chlamydia

by Orrajt hafna May 13, 2020

walking strand of chlamydia

this broad i was seeing last semester but now i don't cuz she's a fuckin whore and i just imagine that she's a giant walking strand of the claps and i don't wanna be around her

fuckin whore needs to quit diving between everyone's legs she meets fuckin...fuck!

by asshole January 21, 2004

8👍 9👎

Horse chlamydia

A combination of "horse manure" and "claptrap." A more colorful way to say "bullshit." Used to point out when something is nonsense.

Everything presidential candidates say is horse chlamydia!

by Supercapcitorfrombeyond August 28, 2016


this words stands for a boy and a girl. not just any boy and girl. boys and girls who are absolutely disgusting and do very bad things. usually the boy is 17 and the girl is around 3 years younger. if you know any of these people you should stay FAR FAR FAR AWAY!!!

boy1: yo you see that 15 year old girl w that 17 year old boy??

boys 2: yeah dude that’s a chlamydia group we need to stay away.

by chlamydia’s bestie December 22, 2019


a sexuality in which one is attracted to males, females and non binaries

abigail: i’m chlamydia!
izzie: isn’t that an sti
abigail: no
amy: no
isla: no
izzy: no
jodi: no
izzie: oh okay

by ifuckinghatemyselflol September 30, 2018


A type of std

I got chlamydia from my gf
Imma die from chlamydia

by Civsiv October 9, 2019


The definition of chlamydia is a boy names Brendon herring from boy Texas. He’s a cheating, lying bastard. He cheated on his gf with like 6 girst and gave then all chlamydia. He is... the... definition... of... chlamydie.

Brendon herring has given almost 10 girls chlamydia. He is the definition of chlamydia.

by Smd66420 April 23, 2019