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A person who slays

Claire is slay

by llel September 11, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ridiculous gorgeous girl. has the body of a goddess and can make you smile like no other. she gets WHOEVER she wants. girls want the guys she dates and guys want to be him. Oftentimes, Claire's are seen with Charles's.

1.Holy fuck. That claire just looked at me. BONER

2. God damnit i hate that charles. he got that claire.

by ccshbg11309 July 8, 2009

462๐Ÿ‘ 220๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Claire is a type of middle-class British woman typically aged between 30 and 50. They are particularly found in South-West London, Surrey, Berkshire, Oxfordshire and West Sheffield. They are very socially liberal and nearly always are Lib Dem voters (although there are some that vote Labour and Conservative). They inhabit the top-tier jobs in society (Headmistresses, Managers etc.). They typically have snobbish attitudes and are very shielding of their children from the outside world (e.g. keeping full track of where they are at all times and setting often extreme screen time limits on their kids). They can often be spotted by their haircut, known as the Claire cut, which is a Symetrical bob cut without a fringe that comes down to shoulder length. In conversation, especially when talking to children, they will speak very patronisingly and passive-aggressively. They are also often quite entitled.

In other words, they are a socially liberal British Karen.

I went to Twickenham last week. It was absolutely overrun with Claires!

by TheWickedBitchIsDead May 9, 2021

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Usually fair headed, more or less insecure girl with average friends. Claire usually has a small friend groups, but has several at the same time, three or four at the least. She's ordinary, and extremely clumsy and clueless, not noticing what people think about her until someone tells them. She likes to keep her feelings to herself, and won't usually show if something's wrong. Usually not into sports, with more of a Preforming Arts type.

She's such a Claire!

by Bรจร r December 29, 2016

23๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Claire's are amazing. They are really sweet, caring, pretty, honestly perfect. They have the biggest hearts and love both family and friends. They do crush a little but they don't need a silly boy to make them happy. Claire's may be a little shy at first but once you get to know them they are very interesting and have a lot of things to say. They tend to have a really big love for God which is great! They are very independent and don't let one persons opinion take them down. Claire's also have an amazing fashion sense and start new trends. They are really cool!

She's so dang nice, must be claire.

by swagstickssss February 26, 2014

68๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž



A very perfect, sweet, amazing, smart, HOTT person. One who has the perfect mix of humor, personality, and hot bod. One who looks amazing in cheetah spandex.

The act of being hot.

"Oh my god, did you see how cool that girl was? She must be a Claire."
"That dress looks so Claire on you!!"

by Lalalala103 January 10, 2010

273๐Ÿ‘ 139๐Ÿ‘Ž


Claire bear (Killer C) pretty much is:
1. The funniest chick you will ever meet.
2. Is not a skank, is only just small - ish and skinny.
3. Has to like supernatural more then 24, or else.
4. Has extremely sexy and cute hands, everyone is jealous of them.
5. Is the best girl you will meet, and all the girls want to be her.

1. I love your hands
1. they are cute and sexy, they look like claire's hands

by Killer W March 20, 2009

649๐Ÿ‘ 354๐Ÿ‘Ž