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con a shortened version of con-artist. lier,sneaky,slik.

"yo thta bird nigga is such a fuckin con yo"

by Da Ghetto Gurls yo!!!!! June 22, 2003

17๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


Con (kahn) v.

To leave a game when you think you're going to lose; closer to guaranteeing yourself or your team a 100% losing chance. "Conning" is looked down upon in 138 countries.

I can't believe he conned. He could of taken on those last two tanks.

by Mexican Monster June 17, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Bad, not good, stoopid.

Man, this church session is con. The speaker is con. The girls are con.

by patty-o-pinch-me-youdie April 7, 2003

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A word used for a response to basically anything that is said that's hilarious, stupid, random, or dumb.

Person 1: "OMG that guy is so hot!"
Person 2: "Con."

by con_inventor July 29, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


a term called on a person when useless information is given.

your friend- " i just had a hamgurger." you-"con"

by xswiftx May 24, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


a short form of "constitutional convention" defined in Article V of the U.S. Constitution which allows the states to convene a convention to propose amendments to the Constitution.
If 2/3rds of the States approve a constitutional amendment in a con-con then it would become an amendment to the Constitution if 3/4 of the States vote in favor of it.

A con-con is the only way to stop rampant, rabid and rapacious corruption in Congress. Congress will only vote to pass a law that benefits Congress. A con-con can stop the voracious appetite members of Congress have to make themselves wealthy at the expense of the people.

Man, a con-con sounds like a great idea. It could overturn Citizens United and give the people a fair, balanced health insurance reform bill that will stop the new IRS insurance revenue service in its tracks.

The only way to fix our broken U.S. government is with a con-con.

by euphemismo April 11, 2010

2๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A bug on old Windows computers that coincidentally, when typed into the run dialog box, and then running, would blue screen the computer. It was never patched. Pretty normal for an old Windows OS, but it's a good way to prank your friends.

C:\con\con can often be used as a prank like this:

Suki: So, you type C comma backward slash con backward slash (C:\concon) and then hit enter, alright?
Hikaru: Yes, what happens when I hit enter?
Suki: Something happens!
*Hikaru hits Enter.
*The computer bluescreens, causing Suki to laugh.

by Surono419CH May 22, 2019

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