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The Era of Corruption

American Politics from 2000 through 2008. (a.k.a. America's Second Dark Age)

See Bush Era, Bush Legacy, Culture of Corruption

"I can't wait until the end of 2008" Paul said as he peeled a organge. The Era of Corruption will Finally be over.

by American_Patriot November 17, 2007

324πŸ‘ 188πŸ‘Ž

Corrupt Heat

The gas that fills a Dutch Oven.

Stacy lost consciousness when she inhaled my corrupt heat this morning. Good thing I ate the burrito late last night.

by GlobalChillage June 8, 2009

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Corrupt Commish

This sums up any corrupt fantasy football commissioner. They are typically few and far between but when you have one, you'll know. They usually always win and have suspect trades go through every season.

"man K-dub is such a corrupt commish, I don't even want to try anymore".

"Yeah man, probably the most corrupt commish I know is K-dub".

by Taco714 October 21, 2019

pink corruption

β€œoh god. oh fuck. it’s the evil pink dye. get as far away from it as you can. wait, did you touch it? welp, fuck. no hope for you now.”

the pink corruption: is a fictional disease from the game Just Shapes and Beats, and the online series The Pink Corruption, that turns the host violent and impulsive, as well as taking on shades of pink.

person one: bro, you got the pink corruption or something?
person two: nah, just a bit upset today.

by fizzpop March 22, 2020

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corrupt pures

The best Runescape pure clan known to man. They are known for dominating The Hatred, mainly because The Hatred is a group of small penis sucking rhinos who loves to drive their horns into each others butt while bounty hunting.

Corrupt Pures own The Hatred every Saturday in Bounty Hunter.

by The Best Pure Clan Alive January 23, 2008

64πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Corrupt Politician

A politician who doesn't play by the books, works with organised crime and steals tax money. The sort of people who are bringing a bad name to governments all over the world. Conspiracy theories link them with the illuminati but it's not a proven fact. To become a Corrupt Politician, a politician must have a criminal record and be found out to be doing illegal activities such as doing drugs, assault and other violent crimes or to be known to work with crime syndicates such as the mafia.

*Senator addressing crowd*
Senator: And as your local Senator I will do the things that need to be done

Crowd: *Cheers*

Senator: I'll make the borough more environmentally friendly by turning off the power at the orphanages, what will they do? Tell their parents? muhahahahaha

Tim: I think we need to vote for someone else

Walter: Yeah, this dude sounds like a corrupt politician

by Sieffy January 10, 2014

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Corrupt Cop

This would involve the kinky act of handcuffing your partner behind their back. Then you bend her over the bed on her stomach for the big surprise of a back-door entry. She will not be pleased but then again there will not be much she can do to fight you off.

Betsy got kinky last night and broke out the handcuffs, little did she know that the arresting officer was a corrupt cop!

by GetCrunk88 February 19, 2010

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