Source Code

Cracking Crack

When someone doesn’t pull up there pant and there crack is showing you try not to stare. BUT when they are walking you see the crack cracking so you must stare.

Joe: “OOO the crack be cracking!”
Bob: “Yes that is one cracking crack!”
They give each other high fives

by hehejackson19 April 24, 2019

8👍 2👎

Crack Crack

snorting cocaine off of ones tailbone

lets get some hookers and hit the Crack Crack bro

by Poserkiller December 21, 2010

8👍 3👎


Internet gaming term used for people who are insanely good at something.

Teammate wipes out the entire enemy team.
You: Holy shit, he's fucking cracked!

by Hwangje Hien April 22, 2020

1084👍 84👎

on crack

Generally someone whose actions would lead one to believe that the person is using crack cocaine due to the stupidity or messed-up-ness of their actions.
Used to describe something stupid, messed up or to express frustration with something

Man, you on crack! You will never get with that chick.

That biology report is on crack man.

Dude, Ms. Stanton's on crack! She gave me a friggen C+!!!

by TheDuke January 26, 2005

200👍 26👎


A popular trading commodity for blowjobs

crackhead: "I'll suck your dick for crack again."
person: "hell yeah, sure thing dude."

by Dubiks October 24, 2018

112👍 20👎


As a rule of thumb, it is profoundly unwise to take crack-cocaine. The brain has evolved a truly vicious set of negative feedback mechanisms. Their functional effect is to stop us from being truly happy for long. Nature is cruelly parsimonious with pleasure. The initial short-lived euphoria of a reinforcer as powerful as crack will be followed by a "crash". This involves anxiety, depression, irritability, extreme fatigue and possibly paranoia. Physical health may deteriorate. An intense craving for more cocaine develops. In heavy users, stereotyped compulsive and repetitive patterns of behaviour may occur. So may tactile hallucinations of insects crawling underneath the skin ("formication"). Severe depressive conditions may follow; agitated delirium; and also a syndrome sometimes known as toxic paranoid psychosis. The neural aftereffects of chronic cocaine use include changes in monoamine metabolites and uptake transporters. There is down-regulation of dopamine D2 receptors to compensate for their drug-induced overstimulation. Thus the brain's capacity to experience pleasure is diminished.

He was a normal guy until he started smoking crack, now he is a hustler that sucks dick for $5 to buy another rock.

by reptiles October 4, 2002

7369👍 1656👎

the crack on

The idea of continuing the party at someone's house after leaving the club

"Hey John, can we have the crack on at your house tonight?!"

by Wintinio January 12, 2017