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Food crawl

Visiting multiple restaurants in an evening to obtain one complete and proper meal. This may be done as a dine-in or take-out experience. It is most often a practice where restaurants have one tasty item, and everything else on the menu ranged from only moderatly good to shit.

Well if you can't decide where to eat, quit wasting my time and let's do a food crawl.

by Walla_B September 4, 2014

15๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Appletini Crawl

A bar crawl solely with appletinis.

The first ever recorded Appletini Crawl began on January 25th, 2014 at DC Reynolds.

Lush A: I'm looking for a pub crawl theme that is high in alcoholic content, class and or fun, and high in fiber.
Lush B: Have you considered an Appletini Crawl? It has apple.
Lush A: Superb. I'll bring the glow sticks.

by Appletini Crawl Inventor February 1, 2014


The act of searching the LAN (Local Area Network) for files or information. This can be done manually by browsing the network, or by using a LAN-utility to search automatically.

-Dude, connect to this guy "moron5", he has over 9000Tb warez shared!
-Who is that?
-idk, I found him while LAN-Crawling

by moron5 September 11, 2009

bar crawl

When individuals go from bar to bar in a small vicinity. Usually they drink so much at the first few bars that by the time they get to the last one they're crawling from drunkenness.

Man I would go to that bar crawl, but I really embarrassed myself last time.

by DDdaza June 17, 2007

202๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pigeon Crawl

To Pigeon Crawl or go Pigeon Crawling is when you or a group of friends each down a bottle of Nyquil and go jerk off in the bathroom of a Chuck-e-Cheese.

Me and 3 of my dude friends had a pigeon crawl last Wednesday... what a mess.

by Yum--cake balls December 27, 2011

53๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

curb crawling

The practice of trying to pick up a prostitute in a red-light district, by driving slowly along the curb, and checking out the action.

Hey, Luigi, you wanna go curb crawling tonight?

by Rod Brock July 27, 2006

212๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

gallery crawl

When a bunch of people travel from one gallery to the next, all the while being too drunk to notice the "art" they're looking at is nothing more than shit.

My mom, while trying to justify her fancy for drinking, went to a gallery crawl claiming it to be a gathering of those interested in art. She came home shitfaced at 2am when the gallery bars closed.

by morux95 September 30, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž