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Cutting up a Snickers bar

To perform any sexual act on a desk, involving actual nuts, or with specific attention paid to the testicles.

If the act is oral, also known as a Snickersjob.

As there was little to do that day, and not many people were around, Dwayne and Jason decided to ask Johanna if she felt like cutting up a Snickers bar

by JCN-connection July 20, 2009

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cut me up

Same as "break me off".
Used in Har Mar Superstar's song.
"Cut me up,break me off baby..."

I want you to cut me up baby!

by TRJ November 29, 2006

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Cut you up into whales

the act of unconditional love between two or more people. Cutting each other up into whales is the best thing you can do for your special someone if society in general won't let you be together.

person 1: I'm going to cut you up into whales!

person 2: Aww really? I feel so loved

by Rainydays4me March 12, 2010

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Blow Up Cut

Originated from the state of New Jersey often worn by club going males. Consists of of extreme fade from bald on sides to 3 inches of lenth on top. Often accompanied by ICE PICKS, extreme fake tan, Armani exchange shirts, and sunglasses indoors. Hair is usually dripping with over abundance of hair gel. Most Blow Up Cuts roam the streets of New Jersey.

DAMN Fabrizio!! Your Blow Up Cut is Crazy tonight!

by Mark08 March 10, 2006

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Cut You Up With A Linoleum Knife

An important public service announcement projecting the affects of movie theater n'er do wells' actions. Originally written by Mastodon for the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie for Theaters, it has gained much YouTube attention, and one day may be legally required to be played before every motion picture in any movie theater in America.

After watching the "Cut You Up With A Linoleum Knife" video, the young, rowdy teenagers shaped up before heading to the movie theater to watch "The Exorcist"

by BrutalMastodon August 21, 2010

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cut the fuck up

Strong or muscular

Danny stole your girl because he was cut the fuck up.

by Humpty72 February 19, 2018

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I'll cut you up, shove you in a blender and throw you in the ocean

a sex position where the woman takes charge and scissors the guy in a way where penetration is still happening, and squirt ontop of him

"yesterday i told my boyfriendI'll cut you up, shove you in a blender and throw you in the ocean. he's still recovering hehe"

by someonewhoshallremainnameless November 20, 2022