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Dear Editor

Not the way to begin a definition. The infamous style of "a censored,inconvenient truth" and the beloved and wildly popular "Man" and "Misandry" definitions

Dear editor, this entry does not violate any of the rules on the editor homepage. "Rule 3. Publish opinions. Don't reject an entry just because it's opinionated. Opinions are useful to readers unfamiliar with a topic. Don't reject an entry because you disagree or are offended. Don't reject an entry because you think it's inaccurate." It's not sexist as it's a view which can be held by any gender, doesn't generalise entire groups and citing another's opinion isn't personal approval or promotion. "Rule 2. Entries can document discrimination but not endorse it."

by wolfbait51 June 13, 2011

addy Deares


Trender: Remove the first and last letter of your name, let's see how cool is your new name :)
addy Deares

by Screencheck Fortune [Gacha] May 22, 2021

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Dear Editor

To send a complete stranger (a random editor) a message through a site like fmylife or urbandictionarythrough their submit content features. This must be done completely within the parameters of the site and many partakers even include an email address for further correspondence (although I cannot personally reccomend it).

Dear Editor: Thank you for publishing this definition, and might I add that you are looking great today. We should get in touch, a_valid_email_address@hotmail.com

by Coombop April 6, 2009

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queer dear

a nicer sounding way of saying fag hag

She's always going out to gay strip clubs with Willy and John, she's their queer dear.

by pendragoness July 30, 2009

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Dear Agony

The fourth album from the band Breaking Benjamin, featuring songs such as:
I Will Not Bow
Dear Agony
Anthem of the Angels
Give me a sign.
I Will Not Bow was featured on the film Surrogates, the music video to this song features clips from the film

man: that breaking benjamin concert was the shit!
me:hell yeah man! they're the best!
man:whats their new album called?
me:its Dear Agony

by thank you for smoking April 27, 2010

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dear diary

The words at the beginning of a diary entry written by someone who can't think of anything to write or thinks their diary is alive.

Dear diary... today was the worst and best day of my life.

To conclude, my dearest diary, I spent all day in McDonalds with some chavs.

by Dan1456 February 2, 2008

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dear heart

Dear Heart means an endearment to a friend when talking, a sign that you care.

Don't worry about the test results, dear heart. Good morning, dear heart! It will be ok, dear heart, good luck!

by myra jane nelson January 18, 2010

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