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Dick Cheney

(Noun) An individual who drinks, plays with guns, and regularly takes women other than his wife to the woods. Frequently gets arrested for DUI and has been known to shoot people. Once elected to be Vice President of the Us US after much fraud in Ohio. Once appointed by the Supreme Court after much fraud in Florida. Has had his heart jump-started more times than a defective battery in an old Yugo. An all around American role model for conservative ass-maggots. Looks suspiciously like a freshly circumsized penis. Rumored to be Rush Limbaugh's secret gay lover. Currently using President George W. Bush as an ass puppet. Reportedly neck deep in Halliburton-related Iraq-rebuilding contract corruption. His alleged nickname within the administration is "Bigtime." He has a lesbian daughter.

"Due to frustrations over his bad heart, flaming lesbian daughter, rampant alcoholism, crumbling marriage, public accusations of corruption, and relationship with Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney finally lost it and blasted his long-time hunting partner with a 28-gauge shotgun early this February."

by Blenderhead February 22, 2006

99๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dick Cheney

vice president who needs to go see the Wizard for a new heart. Calls all of Bush's shots.

Anybody notice that Dick hasn't been around lately? Is he in his undisclosed place or have they faked his death?

by Alex February 27, 2003

368๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dick Cheney

verb; to pepper a fellow human in the face with birdshot.

man #1: You dirty bastard, I'm gonna go Dick Cheney on your ass!

man #2: No, that'll hurt like hell. I'm sorry!

by cheneyshotaguy February 15, 2006

57๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dick Cheney

The only heartless person in the world to have heart complications, also has bad eyesight proven by his ability to mistake a human for a quail.
see Satan

You can't spell Dick Cheney without dick

by Nemesis921 March 5, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dick Cheney

This man was built to destroy earth. i can say with everybody else that this man has done alot to destroy the lives of many inocent people. he has survived 5 heart attacks and is still walking on this planet. this man has made a deal with the devil when he was 5 years old back in 1822. he is an immortal being that feeds off the souls of small children. also he could be left handed. (further studies needed)

dad: watch out children if you dont eat ur vegitables old man dick cheney will consume your soul!

childern: OH NO!!!!

by tkc...mkf March 6, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dick Cheney

1) Former Vice President of the United States.

2) When a man is receiving fellatio from two or more women at once, as he is about to cum into one of the girl's mouths, immediately before, he pulls out and "accidentally" shoots it into the face of the other girl. The girl then apologizes and says that she should have gotten out of the way.

Dick Cheney was our Vice President for a time.

I faked out on Jenny last night and Dick Cheney'd all over Dani. She was cool with it; she even apologized and made me breakfast the next morning.

by allthecoolpseudonymsaretaken February 1, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dick Cheney

The most evil and hideous (and bald) vice president ever. Oh that's great, we have George W. as President who is very dumb and second in command is this DICK "HEAD" CHENEY.

He is truly the root of all evil in America today.

George to Dick: I'm with Satan

Dick to George: I'm with Stupid

by I Hate Conformists April 19, 2005

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