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Intraracial Discrimination

When people of the same race as in black, white, asian, latino, etc. discriminate against each other based on their being their same race.

Yeah, black people in the United States can be victims of intraracial discrimination.

by Therealbitchmouth May 2, 2022

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Tagging discrimination

When someone post and their caption says tag someone who fits a description and someone you know tags you when you obviously don’t fit the description

Instagram post: tag your dumbest friend
Johnny: @bryan
Bryan: this is tagging discrimination

by Yolo2341 September 13, 2018

Hans Discrimination

the unjust or prejudicial treatment especially on the grounds of Hans, Hans and Hans

Yo dude that's Hans discrimination you cannot do that!

by Ur nan678 March 22, 2019

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age discrimination

An act used by slave holders aka "parents" in order to control their children and their everyday actions. This means that they are forced to obey and conform to however way his/her "parents" want them to act in order not to get punished.

Children are considered sub humans by most adults due to age discrimination until they turn 18 in which then they are given basic human rights.

by Dubiks February 25, 2019

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Facial Discrimination

The art of accusing somebody on the grounds that they have treated somebody differently based on their face.

Example of Facial Discrimination

Ted: Are you gonna give that black chick the job?

Jack: Nah, i dont like her face. Much prefer that Hawaiian chick... mmmmmm......

by JewishMike December 10, 2007

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Wealth Discrimination

A specific form of classism involving prejudice or discrimination against those who are impoverished, disadvantaged, homeless, in reception of welfare or belonging to the so called working or lower class.

It often manifests from, and feeds into, the stereotype that those who are financially poor are simply lazy, irresponsible, unlawful, stupid and ultimately immoral. Therefore, those without money are deserving of whatever misfortunes fall upon them due to their own lack of self-imposed virtue. Such attitudes stem from idealistic notions of personal responsibility and a collective need for contempt-based self esteem.

"Wealth discrimination? What's that? I just like kicking the shit out of bums."

"There's no such thing as wealth discrimination. Just worthless poor people."

"Capitalism is a system of wealth discrimination based on arbitrary notions of economic merit."

by Han YoloSwaggins February 10, 2018

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sex discrimination

some gay term thats not on the tinterweb ANYWHERE (apart from here hehe)

firing a women cos shes ugly funny, fair but illegal or in micks term: Whats that im fired? Yes! Why is it cos im a man? No, Its cos ur pregnant derrrr!!

by ewan March 8, 2004

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