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muffins in disguise

bananas... muffins in disguise.

Muffins in disguise are a great way of breaking the ice at parties. Simply place the muffins in disguise down in front of your friends and watch the magic!

Note: Giving your friend's muffins in disguise may cause: loss of friendship, depression from loss of friendship, psychopathic rage from depression from loss of friendship, getting arrested from psychopathic rage from depression from loss of friendship, suicide from getting arrested from psychopathic rage from depression from loss of friendship.

Bill: Here you go guys i made you some muffins!

Fred, Jane, Bob: Hey thanks Bill!

*Fred, Jane and Bob eat the muffins in disguise*

Fred, Jane and Bob: Hey Bill these aren't muffins you suck!

*Fred, Jane and Bob leave*

Bill: Oh my god i just lost my best friends! What am i going to do!?

*stage 1: depression*

Bill: Waaaaaaaaa.......

*stage 2: Psychopathic rampage*


Fred, Jane and Bob: Oh my god! Bill what are you doing with that chainsaw! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

*stage 3: Being arrested*

*sirens wail*

Bill: Shit!

*Bill is arrested*

*stage 4: Suicide*

*Bill goes kersplat, Can you say kersplat boys and girls?*

by Muffin the Destroyer of Worlds January 5, 2010

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Latinos in Disguise

Also L.I.Ds

Individuals of Latino descent, either fully or partially, that look like White people to the casual observer.

Jacob and Charlie look like White boys, but they're really Latinos in Disguise.

by YtotheZ November 18, 2010

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dicksize disguise

A method by which females try to pass off as males on the internet by referring to the length of their nonexistent dong.

They were being highly sexist in the chatroom and I just wanted some help with the flash game, so I used a dicksize disguise.

by EclecticBass September 3, 2010

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Blessing in Disguise

An idiom where something bad actually had a good side.

Not eating the chicken was a blessing in disguise due to the fact it was poisoned.

by Lori E. February 7, 2022

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Ginger in disguise

A ginger in disguise is a redhead with pale skin and freckles, who dyes their hair a different color in order to lighten persecution.

Person 1: did you hear? Alex dyed his hair black.
Person 2: Really? Well I guess he's a "Ginger in Disguise"

by MissFurryBritches July 3, 2013

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robots in disguise

a group that consists of girls with crazy, colorful hair and were ONCE 'popular'. They pwn in a sense.

"Yo, BIZ NATCH buy the CD, u won't b disappointed"

by Limbo crimbo April 6, 2003

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poor disguised troll


For instance when a little guy named Dennis R. says ccccccccccccccccccancer all the time when infact he is the cancer walking among us that's a poor disguised troll.

by lil dddddd October 9, 2013