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Dodgy Butcher

Brittish Slang for a homosexual, gay man.

"Simon's a dodgy butcher..."
"what do you mean?"
"He likes getting his meat round the back.."

by ScottishDave August 10, 2005

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dodgy curry

A situation, person or object that look OK at first but turns out to be something real bad.

Look out for that chick, because she's a real dodgy curry!

by Marre September 15, 2007

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Dodgy Butcher

A butcher who likes his meat delivered in the back door

Rex: β€œDerek in the corner shop is a dodgy butcher”
Shayne: β€œHey?”
Rex: β€œDerek is fond of the old dick.”

by Fcfsby January 28, 2022

Uncle dodgy

A guy who be pimping bitches and getting them to webcam for cash. The rooms will be rigged with sleeping gas so uncle dodgy can be dodgy AF

Just saw a guy roofie a ho, that guy be uncle dodgy

by Skillie69 June 26, 2018

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Dodgy Math

To violate the law of mathematics. An approach to solve a math problem in an incorrect step. An attempt to convert a number divided by 0 to a numerical value. To express an imaginary number as a real number.

Dude#1: So when you divide x^2 by 2 then...you get x?
Dude#2: How the fuck did you get x?
Dude#1: I divide the power of 2 by 2.
Dude#2: You are pulling some dodgy Math here kiddo. Quit being an R tard and go back to Pre-Algebra.

by BenchMax345 February 20, 2008

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uber dodgy

The state of something being more than just dodgy. It has to be not only extremely dodgy but also created / constructed / made in under 5 seconds.

Sythe says:
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
r = 0
For i = 0 To 255
If GetAsyncKeyState(i) <> 0 Then r = i
Next i
MsgBox r

End Sub
Sythe says:
sythe's uber dodgy keycode finder

by sythe February 12, 2005

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dodgy bag

A small plastic grip seal bag, typically used to contain small quantities of drugs. Often referred to as a "dodgy".

You got a spare dodgy bag?

by OneCapitalGeezer December 26, 2015