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The way of relating to the world in which a person consistently overreacts to or greatly exaggerates the importance of benign events.

Jenna causes a shit ton of drama.

Jenna is the name of most dramatic people.

by Pinappledad69 August 7, 2017


Any event that causes voices to raise, or people to become either frustrated, angered, or confused.

being accused of lying about your sexual history by your ex boyfriend whom you caught in bed with your sister but is now dating your best friend.

by Boo Millah November 22, 2003

13๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something bigger then all of us, men will say it is what women live for, but men are just as bad most times.....over reacting to something that is not a big problem.

"god mindy is such a drama queen"
if you use that most likely you are a big part of the drama.....love it,....oh you know you do!

by Lama_anda March 11, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Law and Order: SVU is the literal definition of drama

Law and Order: SVU when the chick stole her biological baby and then gave it up

by Andre the Giant September 22, 2004

15๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


Serious Business

Mike: Hello people. I believe in Santa.
srsBsns: Santa is fag. Get lost.
Mike: c'mon why so serious?
srsBsns: seriously.
Harry: Dramaaaa

by Black Integral May 16, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Very pointless and common amungst girls within the ages of 12 and 16. Usually it's started by a rumour some little girl started, which eventually gets bigger and bigger and causes some big internet rampage. Most girls like to gang up on one girl and constantly call them out on what they "apparantly" did. Most girls use the internet to do this because they are simply too scared to say it to eachothers faces.

Becky: "OMG, Did you hear about what Jessica did at that party lastnight, she's such a slut!!"

Hannah: "Yes!! Let's tell everyone!! Then everybody will hate her!!"

Lisa: "Wow.. Are you girls ever going to stop all of this drama and grow up!!?!"

by bubblegum1991 June 27, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


An awesome class in high school where you have to sit through boring plays and movies, but in the meantime, it is like the best class ever since you get to eat popcorn in class as an activity or grind with your girlfriend since it's an "acting exercise". You also have to make a play and that could be an OBSESSION. It is also a time to show off your awaiting filmmaking skills. Teachers can range from your stuffy old High School Musical grandm type to a hot sexy ditzy blonde 25 year old that lets you do basically anything. Like choir, a good break and gives something to look foreward, along with lunch, PE, band, shop, etc. during the day. Elective course... most fun in junior and senior year.

Yeah I can finally fire up my FL Studio and Windows Movie Movie for a school assignment for once, and it's called DRAMA!!! W000T!!!

by Fuhreal November 27, 2007

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