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Latino version of "Dude"

-What up ese?

-You calling me a term paper?

by Randy Goldman April 2, 2005

118👍 118👎


Correction previous definition: Es is not speed.

(Same source) "Mark, who seemed to be the fourth form's principal dealer in Es and speed."

by pavlov April 13, 2006

36👍 33👎


Испанское сленговое слово. Чаще всего, таким образом обращаются к приятелю, близкому другу или родственнику. Можно перевести, как "братан". При обращении к девушке используется "esa"

Использовать в общении, это слово, могут только испанцы или латино-американцы (в т.ч. мексиканцы, кубинцы и т.п.). В противном случае, это будет выглядеть так, как если бы белый обратился к чернокожему "ниггер"

Hey, ese! How are you? (Эй, братан! Как дела?)

by Southsider Trece July 8, 2015

9👍 5👎


es is a word used by polish people which gerenally means ez or easy

overall, es is a more annoying form and many people will be confused if you tried to say ez

Osoba1: protogen chyba futrzany robot
Osoba1: es

Dude1: protogen more like furry bot
Dude1: es

The furry: *gets offended*

by Crunchydick April 6, 2021

3👍 1👎


being cool, mackin` cousins, repping hard over the interweb and basically cooling people you hate, geeks

"bro that shit was es ehh"

by Joe June 30, 2003

25👍 28👎


An Ese ;Endearing term for the prettiest of males and females; pretty boys and pretty girls; in Los Angeles the slutty Psychiatrists wish they could feminize them more often.
Also opposing to prettiest a endearing term for the handsomest of females and males; handsome girls and handsome boys; in Los Angeles the slutty Psychiatrists would like the rebellious handsomest Eses to have a soft side cuz they aint in love with them LOL.

An ese ; female pretty ese: yo esaeuye hows you doin? you mad sexay pretty boy ese: lets get in touch with my feminine side for mail straps and legos gurrrl and see my sexy macho pretty male kitten time with you. (Goes to luvvin)

by gayb1995 March 13, 2023


Spanish:means foo, homeboy

sup ese what hood you claim

by CHICO July 21, 2003

38👍 63👎