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An underground rap artist from Houston,Texas. A rapper/entrepreneur/producer,Element is known through out the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. His debut album "The Illest Show on Earth", is scheduled to be released January 2008.

Have you heard that new joint by Element? He's the best underground rapper out!

by Wayne Adams November 29, 2007

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Stiff Element

A long lasting, iron hardened (stiff) penile erection (element), fortuitously triggered from aural/audio stimuli.

{Ca. 2008: Dr. Culvitude of Copenhagen was conducting a routine laboratory experiment on 45 male rats to determine the impacts of dopamine on emotional contentment, when he surreptitiously observed that 100% of the rat population developed reactionary priapisms from increased dopamine levels directly related to auditory stimulus. Culvitude concluded that musical vibes the 45 heard from harmonic choral & instrumental patterns pertaining to the song 'Upriser' from ''de-vice", incited Paraventricular neural synergy between the Gyrus, Putamen & Hypothalamus resulting in a bombardment of hormone laden blood flowing to the rats' Glans Penii. In lieu of his findings, Dr. Culvitude & his partner, Sir Michael Bonerman, coined the term "Stiff Element" and have utilized material from select musical acts: de-vice, Vibe 45, and S&C as a means to equip elderly males, such as Hambone and Chuck, with enigmatic erections, capable of busting through a wrought iron enforced cinder block wall.}

1. Chuck has been using his Stiff Element to exhibit superior carnal endurance, while at the same time wielding it as a weaponized instrument of aural dominance.

2. "Stiff Element is another way to characterize/describe a scandalously hard erection that lasts for a long time.", Sir Michael Bonerman (or Big B) explained to George and Kat during the medical conference at the Hawaiian Institute of Genitalogy.

by Charitable Disguise February 2, 2020

in my element

You are where you should be and you fit in. You're in your zone and no one can stop your game. Whether you've moved back to your home town or you are somewhere new and met your type of people.

Josh- Man dude aren't you happy to be back in L.A. with your old buddies?
Anthony- Yeah man I'm back in my element.

by Nicki Face Ass November 10, 2013

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Elements of Harmony

A group of objects in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" used my the Mane 6 to defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord. There are six elements: Kindness (Fluttershy), Generosity (Rarity), Honesty (Applejack), Laughter (Pinkie Pie), Loyalty (Rainbow Dash), and Magic (Twilight Sparkle).

Doing acts of kindness, generosity, etc., earn you points in that category, as in the game "Adventures in Ponyville" on The Hub's website.

Discord escaped from his stone prison, but the Mane 6 managed to use the Elements of Harmony to defeat him.

by Sweetonionct October 3, 2011

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four elements

four art forms of which consists hip hop culture: DJ-ing, rapping, b-boying and graffiti

Thou shalt remember that guns, bitches and bling were never part of the four elements and never will be.

by hey_joe September 5, 2009

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Wood Elemental

Litterally the worst MTG card ever printed. Ever.

Nerd 1 "word up son im gonna cast this wood elemental"

Nerd 2 "hahahahahaha fuck me, i hope you got plenty of forests to tear up; you broke ass for eyes"

Nerd 1 "shit man, now ive had to tear up all my forests for this terrible card and im straight going to loose"

Nerd 2 "man, what a fucking horrible card"

by Theshocker1984 January 8, 2012

Element 115

Its from Call of Duty BlaCk ops 1,2,3 Zombies, A Meteor or Some type of Element That Makes the Dead Rise Up and Walk around, Founded by The Nazi's AND They Created Group 935 That Tested With Element 115,

Maxis: *clap* Walk Over here, OVER HERE!! *in mind*this should work, Element 115 don't fell me Again* Zombie: Grrrr GHA.. *walks closer* Maxis: Good...Come Closer Zombie: GHA GRRAAA!!! Maxis: It's Alright, Calm Down! Kill it Other Guy: *Shoots zombie* Zombie: GHA! *drops dead on floor* Maxis: Bring me Another!! *static*

by Thatguywhostalksyouatnight February 27, 2017

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