Source Code

Emergency Meeting

A meme format, that has to do with the popular game Among Us. Originally created by u/imyourdadboiyee on reddit.

Bulletin Board #1: Daughter missing!
Bulletin Board #2 Daughter for sale!

by _Emper0r_ September 9, 2020

27๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Emergency Exit

Having to go to the restroom badly while on the highway, that one needs to get themselves into a gas station bathroom... real fast.

Oh snap! I need to take an emergency exit at that El Cheapo before I poo in my pants.

by MFinn March 8, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

emergency contraceptive

Extra condoms (often kept in a backpack, briefcase, or vehicle trunk)

A Left Hand and truecrypt porn volume can quickly relieve blue balls with zero potential conception, but high potential for sexual escalation.

technology with the potential to PREVENT conception (sperm penetrating ovum, the engendering of pregnancy), includes: condoms, spermicide, careful anal sex, masturbation. Any technology willfully killing the zygote is infanticide and in no way whatsoever contraceptive.

One cannot un-ring the bell: don't tap the bell.

Should Mike's flavor of the week be set to fornicate but have no condom between them he could grab his strip of emergency contraceptives from the dick vapor protected gym bag in his car before becoming a Violently Orgasming Obsessed Dick Once Hard animal mindlessly fucking through the strip in one afternoon.

Because all the high school freshman practiced at the same time, the girls on the court adjacent to the guys, the girls could see how well hung Shawn was his long thick dick flopping as he ran without compression shorts. With ample daily offers for good head and more after practice-, on study dates-, and amid the parties amplifying rife lust he used Masturbation As Contraception, the only 100% efficatious emergency contraceptive, lest girls hungering for big cock succeed tempting him to let them ride his cock.

Though Dravin longed to Fuck to Balls Empty during awesomely stimulating Girlfriend Anal Sex (contraceptive if pussy above the anal jizz leakage path) he needed more snug fitting condoms having fucked through all emergency contraceptives but the magnums which were far too lose. Thankfully he had stroke 29 for weeks of solo fuck replay. High school's zero refractory Masturbating Always Daily multiples now inaccessible he yearned to be able to achieve a dozen weekly orgasms. It is his richly visual fantasizing masturbatory fuck replay that escalates his craving her ass above all else, limiting instant gratification.

by coitus U January 9, 2013

31๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urbandictionary Emergency

When someone tells you a slang term on i.m on myspace and do not know what it means so you quickly go to urbandictionary.com and look it up, hence urbandictionary emergency.

Rick:hey look at my new picture
Sally:Sure, go look at mine, pc4pc?
Rick: *oh shit what the fuck is pc4pc, oh noes urbandictionary emergency!

Sally:you still there
Rick: yeah, okay ill go comment now.*wow what a urbandictionary emergency.

by Peterismyname November 24, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

emergency escort

Being behind a fire truck, police car, or ambulance when they are going to an emergency and and driving full speed behind them without traffic.

Guy 1: "Hey I thought you were going to be late with all the traffic."

Guy 2: "Yeah lucky for me there was a firetruck in front of me so I got an emergency escort."

by RyGuy93 April 3, 2009

82๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Emergency Pooh

You know when you go to a restaurant and you eat a shed load of food, and you feel like you've eaten too much. You sit there with a bloated stomach and feel really uncomfortable.

There is a hidden body function that few people know about which is ideal for dealing with this; called the "Emergency Pooh".

This is a switch in the body which is triggered once too much food has been consumed, which basically actions an emergency pooh (a quickfire pooh to get rid of the waste which has been taken on board).

Mark: Oh man I've eaten way too much, my gut is going to explode
Mike: Don't worry mate, just action an Emergency Pooh!

by MikeL1983 December 19, 2006

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Emergency Cigarette

A cigarette that is stored away for emergency use only.

"Frank what is that cigarette doing up there on that shelf? "
"Why, thats my emergency cigarette , mother fucker!"

by landroverlover September 4, 2008

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