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unfunny comic equipment

The more expensive the podcast equipment the less funny the comedian

Unfunny comic equipment is when a comedian owns a bunch of high priced audio, video, and lighting equipment for their podcast to try to overcompensate for not being funny... and for having a small penis

by FaxOnTopOfFax November 15, 2022

heavy equipment operator

An unusually well-hung man.

Percy eyed the leatherman hungrily; the size of his bulge showed that he was a heavy equipment operator, but he also looked like rough trade, and Percy hated visible bruising.

by Niemand of Chaos March 29, 2005

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I am not equipped for this!

What Lili Reinhart says when she stumbles into an overwhelming situation or circumstance

*cole sprouse mocking lili reinhart’s voice*

Cole: Lili stumbles into situations where she says stuff like, β€œI am not equipped for this!”
Lili: *scoffs*

by duskyblossom December 11, 2017

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Military equipment fetish

The lustful act of fucking someone decked out in high speed military equipment.

She had a military equipment fetish so he fucked her with no shirt and pants on, however he had his bulletproof vest, helmet, boots and gas mask on

by Jackthift55 December 24, 2019

Vertical Circulation Equipment

A long-winded consultanty BS word meaning stairs.

Well Bob, we can certainly improve the tenant flow between floors by installing Vertical Circulation Equipment.


Yeah, like stairs...

by Mads1 February 17, 2020

Heavy Duty Equipment

Heavy Duty Equipment has two meanings:

1. the actual equipment used on farms, in warehouses, factories etc. that requires special training to use. This type of equipment should not be used under the influence of drugs or alcohol as it is dangerous.

2. a subtle reference to a man's penis size. In this case, it is suggesting that the man's cock is ENORMOUS and may hurt the female while penetrating during sex. Unlike the first meaning, it can be used under the influence of drugs and alcohol and sometimes produces better results.

Hannah: So how was he?
Stephanie: Well let's say he has some heavy duty equipment that I couldn't handle. I need an ice pack for my vag.

by derkkkkkkkka May 3, 2011

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skill vs equipment

Hood notion that you can get positive outcome by balancing your skill vs your equipment and vice versa!

Damn, B! You hooked up my funky-fresh dope with those Wahl clippers? Unbelievable! Man that’s some serious ass skill vs equipment ! Swell job!

by Terry Bad Ice October 1, 2017

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