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est riend

A secret boyfriend whom you pretend is your best friend. The b and the f are taken out.

Girl 1: Are you dating Joe?

Girl 2: No way! He's like my best friend!

Girl 1: More like your est riend!

by definerofurban August 24, 2009

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est fest

short for estrogen fest.
when there is too much estrogen concentrated in one place.

oposite of saus fest

dude, this club is a fucking est fest. let's peace to where the boys at.

by anonymously yours April 11, 2007

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the g-est

The most gangster.

I can't believe the bag boy got killed off in The Mist! He was the g-est.

by Lannapants July 16, 2015

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Eric Estes

The name of a person who can put up with any crazy lady babble thrown at him.

The crazy lady came out and said "oven mitts don't love space music in my house" and that Eric Estes said "that's right they do not" and she just chilled out.

by Jason Jay Shields January 2, 2021


Highest form of Him

I'm Him-est

by Him-est September 3, 2023


when something is wrong

that was the wrong-est time

by mayonnaise bath February 21, 2021

Alexander Estes

Alexander Estes is a nice and energetic guy who likes to mess around and make jokes that are usually not funny.But overall he is good looking and has a great personality

I saw Alexander Estes over there" I heard he is freinds with everyon

by AC3DRIVER September 28, 2022