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Essay Evacuation

When you are doing an extremely boring essay, decide you have better things to do, and hit the print key without editing it.

I didn't want to waste anymore of my time on that dumb essay so I just decided to do essay evacuation.

by sameopet April 9, 2013

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prematurely evacuate

its when you should or are able to leave before you know someones coming

partythrower: hey guys! you found my house.

guy: yeah, but janine was following us!!

partythrower: Damn!! lets prematurely evacuate into the backyard and shut off the lights.

by justcallmeroo August 1, 2009

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premature evacuation

Accidentally exiting the elevator on the wrong floor.

Woops! I need the fifth floor! I almost suffered a premature evacuation!

by comaboy1971 January 2, 2012

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Premature Evacuation

The premature expulsion of faeces in a non-lavatorial environment. Often occurs in people who are turtling for a length of time.

John and Cindy were engaged in a passionate embrace. Temperatures were rising and passions growing, until the moment was completely ruined by John's obvious premature evacuation.

by Poomoj September 9, 2013

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Epic evacuation

A bowel movement so large, that it fills the bowl above the waterline.

Honey, I just had an epic evacuation. I feel like I've lost 5 pounds.

by Bridotac October 2, 2021

Bio Evacuation

A term often used by YouTuber Callum's Corner. Essentially means to take a dump. That's it. But in Callum's Corner language.

Ay up and welcome to Callum's Corner! I've just had to have a massive bio evacuation this morning. My God it was "discorsting" was that!

by LordJenal October 25, 2022

Ejaculate and evacuate

While having sex little by little you start putting on your clothes, so that the second you spread your load you can hit the road.

Stacy's parents were coming home so i had to Ejaculate and evacuate.

Also fuck you Emerson Stecher.

by MrGreenBeanz April 11, 2022