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Evan is the cutest boy alive. He is adorable and a total hottie. Being with Evan is the best thing ever. His kisses and hugs are to die for and he loves to cuddle. He's the perfect lover. Too bad he already has a girlfriend. No kisses for you biatch.

Girl number 1: Damnnnn! Check out that guy, he's so fine.
Girl number 2: I know girl, his name is Evan. He's such a sexbomb. Apparently he's dating that girl, Alex.
Girl number 1: What a bitch, I'm sooo jealous.

Friend: So how is it going with Evan?
Alex: It's perfect, everything is great. I am madly in love with him, he is so cute.
Friend: Aww that's nice, hopefully you guys stay together forever cause you two look adorable together.

by BebeBambi December 22, 2009

599πŸ‘ 360πŸ‘Ž


A guy who loves you for you hes sweet kind thinks about you all the time text you all the time never wants to leave you protective over you cause he knows you one ina million and that he cant find anyone like you hes a sports guy which makes him extra cuter and hes just an amazing guy and your an amazing girl to be able to have him

I love you evan.

by Makayla😘😘 March 18, 2015

30πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


The best name ever, most of them are cute/hot,smart,dorky,kind,and awesome. You'd want to date an Evan because of their personality not just because of their looks. Everyone fights over them because there are a limited amount of Evans in the world. And its basically the hottest name EVER!

Heather is totally falling for that new Evan kid

by Cheergirl120 November 19, 2014

58πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž



Man, Evan is such a sexy beast.

by Sammie M September 16, 2010

430πŸ‘ 264πŸ‘Ž


Evan is the most kindhearted person you'll ever meet. He is sweet, loyal, and sometimes a little hotheaded, but his short temper isn't always a flaw. His anger only ever goes towards people who oppose the ones he loves. Everyone wants to date him, but he often feels lonely even among friends. You'll never meet anyone better. He's not perfect, and he's not always the easiest person to like right away. He can be unsure, but in his heart of hearts he knows what he truly wants, even if he can have trouble expressing it. One of the only things he has trouble with personally, is that everyone always seems to love him or hate him... with no in between. With that said, he's one of the best people you could possibly get as a friend.

Person A: "Who's that guy talking to them over there?"
Person B: "Oh that's Evan. If you're looking for friends, he's the one you want above all others... trust me."

by MercuryPickles February 15, 2021


The nicest boyfriend and he cares about you no matter what. He loves you with your flaws
And imperfections!

Wow he is such an Evan!

by Evansbae December 11, 2016

29πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Evan one of a kind. He's super sweet, funny and loves attention. Just a glance from him will light up your day. He's never sad, and if he is, he won't show it. He has the funniest and most loudest laugh, but at the same time, it's so cute. When he likes someone, it would be hard to tell or to get him to admit it. As innocent as he seems, he does have some dirty secret's , and Evans most favorite thing is rap music. But if you are interested in a Evan, Your going to have to step up your game because he's hard to get.

Aw, Evan is so cute.

Evans so tiny.
Evan is literally the hottest person ever

by Queen Leanos January 10, 2018

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž