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feeling it

to be a part of something or to agree with something

He was speaking so passionately and I was really feeling it.

by GIC June 23, 2005

51๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

the feels

The feeling you get and can't quite explain, making you speechless and go crazy when that certain someone looks at you just the right way, or really, does anything.

I was texting him last night and I got the feels so bad!

by Sabrina5797 January 12, 2015

93๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


FeELinGs. Such dramatical word for something that could be described as... What are feelings? It should be easy to share your feelings, isn't it? Well it isn't.

Feelings can even be hard to deal with when they're on a hypotherical level. When you are just questioning their existence, and not bothering the endless line of problems their temporary solution might lead to.

And here you are, looking up the definition of feelings, hoping to hold onto something, a weirdly exact definition, that'll mean a concrete sign, that'll end your suffering.

It is not that pile of words. All that these empty lines can lead you to is thinking. And even through you don't deserve all the suffering bearing with your thoughts, it's your legacy, your fate, because all human kind are screwed once they start to catch feelings towards another.

You are not alone in your situation.

You may have gotten a jackpot, or you may have caught feelings towards the wrong person, but anyway: you have to carry yourself on. You have to get your thoughts together once you're ready to end your pain, and tell them how do you feel.

It'll hurt like stepping on a fucking lego โ€“ seriously, it may will hurt. But you will be able to heal from such pain, because you are the only one that can really look out for you. At the end, everyone's their single(pun) and only company.

Feelings are difficult to deal with, but not impossible. You won't be stuck with your current views and โ€“ well โ€“ feelings forever. Times will change.

Person1: Oh shoot, I feel a lil' confused, am I catching feelings?

Person2: *will not be lifting up a metal cross, because they learned how to deal with theirs* Yeah, you probably are.

by Wellimscrewed May 31, 2021

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Feeling it

Doing things but not knowing why.

I'm feeling it. I'm not going to die; I feel it.

by Ereck Flowers November 8, 2014

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


An emotional state.

So why can't I replace, feelings I find hard to really find?

by HT February 5, 2004

413๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž


Why are you looking up the word โ€œFeelingsโ€? Is it because you want some insight on how to describe the feelings that you have? Let me describe the feelings that I have.

I wish I had someone to make me feel no alone. No one knows how much I NEED someone to make me happy. I'm sinking in the quicksand of my own emotions and I need someone to pull me out. No one is there to save me. Absolutely no one to pull me out. I don't know how much longer I can go on feeling like this. I have no one and I never have either. I've been trying to find the answer, but Iโ€™m beginning to think that there is no answer. There is no answer to the loneliness that I feel. There is no way out of the quicksand of my own emotions. People say that there is always someone else in the world that feels exactly how you do. Knowing that doesnโ€™t make me feel any less alone. My feelings have been like this for many years, and they seem to be getting worse. I wish that I could just shut my feelings away and just be happy. However, I canโ€™t do that. I praise anyone that has the ability to do that. I donโ€™t know when my feelings will change. I put all my hope into changing the way I feel, soon. If I donโ€™t change my feelings, I am certain that they will be the death of me.

To whoever says that they donโ€™t feel somewhat aloneโ€ฆYou liar. Everyone feels alone sometimes. I bet that almost everyone when asked how they feel, they say, "I'm fine", when they really aren't. Stop being so proud or so scared and admit to someone that you feel alone. If you donโ€™t want to admit it to someone, at least admit it to yourself.

Asked: "How are your feelings?"

Answered: "They're fine."

by FeelingLikeHell May 5, 2009

404๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž

in the feels

When something gets to your heart, or when you understand another person's feelings by something they said because you have felt that same way before, yourself. So if you're talking with someone or they read you a serious poem they wrote.....if by the end you get goosebumps or almost tear up than you see you might say it got you "in the feels".....

That girl was talking about how she felt when he broke up with her and I caught myself in the feels because it was the same when Lisa broke up with me.

by ss2725217 April 9, 2015

40๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž