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gellin like a felon

A Dr. Schollsยฎ marketing slogan which revised the common English slang term "chillin like a villian" in order to appropriately fit their new product Dr. Schollsยฎ Gel Insertsโ„ข. Many people now refer to the word "chillin" as archaic and prefer to use the new word "gellin."

Are you chillin?
No, I'm gellin!

by Stevo November 7, 2004

74๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

melon felon

a description of a woman's bisexual/lesbian experimentation in college or other events (backpacking Europe, Burning Man, etc.)

She was a real melon felon in college; I saw her hook-up with two girls in one night!

by hellbentforpleather February 22, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

felons and retards in blue

(n.) A derogatory reference to bandwagon fans of the L.A. Dodgers or Dallas Cowboys. Most particularly those hopeless souls that are fans of BOTH the Dodgers & Cowboys that do not (nor have they ever) live(d) in the home region of either team, yet make up for their lack of geographical closeness by excessively annoying those fans of local teams by proclaiming their team(s) are #1 in spite of a lack of credulity to their claims.

Most are know criminals (felons) and/or clinically diagnosed mentally ill (retards) that live outside the L.A. or Dallas areas and are misguided hangers-on to past decades when those teams may have had a modicum of talent and/or luck. Their illogical & persistent affiliation with the team is most directly attributed a missing chromosome that also appears to result in excessive body tattooing, domestic violence, binge drinking, bed-wetting, drooling and an unexplained need to wear over-sized and excessively dark sunglasses (maybe out of embarrassment).

Both groups are made up of delinquents, reprobates, malcontents, and blow-hards that are the scourge of all true sports fans. Extreme cases are evidenced by a trip to their "mecca" (stadium) to demonstrate their loyalty & obtain a pathetic photo of them wearing a blue team jersey while holding up one finger that they can later post as a testament to their senseless dedication.

Daughter: Daddy, what's a synonym for loser?

Father: There are lots of them honey, but the one that best describes would be the felons and retards in blue or bluetards.

Daughter: Do you mean the Dodger fans or the Cowboy fans?

Father: Yes.

Sometimes abbreviated FARIB
Also see fucktards or bluetards

by Mark in San Bruno February 11, 2010

40๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

gellin like a felon

To relax comfortably with Dr.Scholls gel shoe inserts.
Similar to "chillin'like a villain."

I'm gellin' like a felon, eating some melon, feeling up helen and my member is swellin'

by Mighty Whitey August 23, 2003

65๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

National Felon Day

National Felon Day is on May 14th of every year.

Iโ€™m so excited to celebrate National Felon Day with my friends.

by Notmixmaster May 2, 2023

gellin like a felon

Of or refering to the soft, warm glow one feels after participating in petty theft of shoes and shoe accesories.

Cop 1: Boy, that Winona Ryder sure looked calm in court.
Cop 2: She was gellin like a felon!

by bob_the_russian November 5, 2003

20๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

gellin like a felon

are you gellin like a felon?

cause i sure am

by Dr Scholls August 10, 2003

7๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž