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Fiery Box

A woman who's pussy is infected/infested with STDs/STIs or other disgusting vagina related affliction/disorder that is unbeknownst to her male/female/trans partner at first who then end up receiving it thru oral sex or penetration. They only will find out about what they got after their hookup/interaction

Gizzy: I'll spread it out over time, don't worry. I won't tell it all tonight. I'll spread it out.

Kurn: You wanna talk about your fiery box that's on fire and that's why you can't keep a man? Do you want to do that?
Miya: What's a fiery box?

by October 3, 2022

Fiery Forehead

A person with an infinitely large forehead that could be described as lit.

The Fiery Forehead won the Pokemon dual.

by Cockroach Spaniel March 19, 2018

dark fiery

A group of teenagers running around like psychos, and you should probably avoid them for your sanity's sake.

"Who in the hell decided to gang rape a goddamn turtle!?"
"Dark fiery."

by Ms. Kim Taehyung January 24, 2018

Guy Fieri

if you call guy fieri a loser or a crappy chef you can burn in the flames of his shirt. guy fieri is my daddi and you know deep down inside you he is yours too. welcome to flavortown bitch. GUY IS LOVE GUY IS LIFE.

Guy Fieri is daddi and you know it

by guyisdaddi101 December 31, 2016

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fiery personality

Represents oneself, and one's family or group, to assure fair treatment. Will not be silenced in the face of discrimination or unfair treatment.

Traditionally, women in the Appalachian region of the USA have been considered to have a fiery personality. Often, when men were ill with black lung, a deadly disease related to mining, or their children were starving due to wages paid in script, a form of currency only redeemable in one monopolized company store, women would advocate for member's of their community through writing protest music, organizing, and protesting, unfair treatment.

by OhioValley March 6, 2014

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fiery banana

when a guy covers his wang with hot sauce and proceeds to fornicate with a woman.

whys that bottle of hot sauce on the night stand honey?

for a fiery banana of course!

suck it bitch!

by stfuwtsx3 September 29, 2010

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A Guy Fieri

V: The act of giving a girl a chilidog while eating an actual chili dog. Chili from the chili dog must spill off onto the girls chest while performing the act. Most importantly, the phrase "these cheese-fries are gangsta" must be proclaimed while finishing.

I'm so hungry and horny, I think I'll just give her a Guy Fieri.

by LawDawg JawDawg November 19, 2018

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