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You catch everyone’s attention with your cheeky smile. He’s cute and kind but very clever. He knows how to have a laugh and every girl falls for him

I’m in love with Finlay

by peachsun October 18, 2019


Fin she is a kind hearted girl and is self conscious...

Finlay is a good girl friend a lover and has lots of confidence and dose stupid stuff all the time she has lots of friends that she cares for and loves them she is strong tho but fakes smiles.

by Fuck fin February 3, 2018

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Should get twatla'd

Finlay: "hey guys look at the definition for Finlay on urban dictionary it's pretty interesting"

by METAmartian October 3, 2018

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Commonly thought of as a minor case of gonorrhea, but no, children, it is much more severe than that.

A "finlay" is a serious disease which could be correlated to chlamydia, but much worse. The symptoms of this disease are chronic stupidity, a prominent usage of 1337, and a slight case of complete confusion on one's gender.

Cause of "finlay" is the extreme love for jawnty, another extreme disease.

Preventions are to stay inside the boundaries of Canada and to GTFO the internets.

Jordan: So, uh, baby. Want to get some pizza later?
Co-worker at YMCA: Uh, gross. You got FINLAY!
Jordan: WTF! Only 'cause that slut Jessica gave me JAWNTY!


by Jessica FAST! November 19, 2007

36πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


Is a male male gold digger he likes to get loads of girlfriends at a time for money.

"omg he is such a finlay"

by TheHelloGuy69420 November 2, 2019

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Some asshole who thinks he is a tough guy. A Finlay wants to be cool. A Finlay also loses his virginity at a early age. Gets angry very easily and can't think of comebacks by himself.

"That dickhead is such a Finlay"

by 8656864574231 June 15, 2018

7πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A fucking gay cunt that looks like a fucking bin

Oh wtf that person looks like a disgusting gay Finlay cunt

by EmmaSmithSexyHot69 February 19, 2019

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž