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A spanish common nickname. It comes from 'Francisco'

My name is Fran

by Fran February 21, 2004

40๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


it means friends it is slang

i need more frans.

by princess midnight February 7, 2018


An amazing person who loves watching TV shows there favorites in Cloude
anime, comedy, action. good at math.
looks include dark, tall, attractive they are introverts meaning they like to spend

there time alone. they are strait most of the time. he is the kindest person who you will ever meet probably. he usually
gets friend zone by most people. he hides his depression by telling jokes. he is the guy who likes helping when they need help. he doesn't like playing games that often but will play games with you so you would have company.
he puts other people needs more then him self. when you respect him he will respect you back or he would just be nice to you.


by big hero 6 March 7, 2023


a fran is the best person in the world.He is also an amazing dad always there to lend a hand never to busy to listen to advice and understand he makes you feel so very loved he is the best dad by a mile...

peson 1: whos that amazing person over there?
person2: oh him thats fran and hes my DAD

by scoil aireagail oof October 22, 2019


When you get so high you loose all reality around you.. doing and saying absolute shit

โ€œWhatโ€™s up with fran?โ€ โ€œOh he had some strong shit and has sat staring into the sky for the last 3 hoursโ€ โ€œohhh heโ€™s frannedโ€

by Kurt cobains shotgun November 24, 2019


1. Rubbing a girl's vagina whilst in a public place or a friend's house.

2. Fingering a girl when surrounded by others.

"Dude! He just franned that girl round your house!"

"I'm gonna fran you at Charlie's!"

"Do you like franning? I'm thinking about doing it at the cinema when we watch The Lion King."

by MGeesers September 3, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A typical awesome, straight up guy who you would love to be.

Damn, i wish i was like Frans

by Ifuckdeadgiraffes October 16, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž