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The prodigal son of Chuck Norris and Isaiah Mustafa (the guy from the new Old Spice commercials). Can kick Jesus's arse any day.

Just Gabe it.

by Sea Man Staynes July 26, 2010

52๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gabe can be a verb a noun or even an adjective. If used a noun it is always somebody who is cool, sometimes a little off their knocker though. Moderately funny, though there are always funnier, and decently handsome. When used as a verb it means to be amazing, to pretty much master all that you do, other than sports. If an adjective, it could be used to describe some cool, funny, or odd. Usually used to describe odd or weird things.

Gabe is so cool, how does he know all that stuff?
If I was gonna get a boyfriend I'd make sure he was pretty Gabe.
Okaay, yeah thats a little too Gabe for me.

by JJC & Micky May 13, 2008

393๐Ÿ‘ 298๐Ÿ‘Ž


The noodle guy out of car dealerships

"I drove by the Ford dealership and thought I saw Gabe, but it was just the noodle guy"

by lesbyog October 7, 2021

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of getting overly emotionally invested in a situation when a simple peaceful solution could have been reached.

Often ending up in bursts of anger and hostility.

You just had to Gabe it up didnt you?

What happened with that girl bro? I Gabed it up.

by Darko---- May 14, 2017

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Well he is gabe.... Just don't fall asleep with this one around.

Gabe is over there don't let him smell your fear.

by Dr.Phil the 3rd October 18, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A super awesome Mexican! The best friend you always hoped for, and they will love you no matter how bitchy you can get. Usually into basketball or soccer. They usually like the color green! Gabe's have the best personalities and they always keep you laughing no matter how crappy your day is. They are amazing guys who dont see how wonderful they really are; they are obsessed with their hair!! If you know a Gabe, call him up and tell him how spectacular they are. He will really appreciate it!

Joe:"Dude who was that Mexican with the green shoes and the amazing personality?!"
Sarah:"Oh him? Thats my best friend Gabe!!"
Joe:"Wow, he is amazing"
Sarah:"yeah i know right!!"

by gkowefkswef December 22, 2011

50๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


Everything about this guy just SCREAMS SEX. He sweats greatness. Usually have the largest dicks out there. They can also be huge dicks. They slay poon on a daily basis. They don't usually give 2 shits about what people say about there. They may be named after an angel but most are going to hell.

Dude did you see Gabe yesterday? Yea he gave me the middle finger and said fuck you. Yea i know he's hilarious.

by Themamdingoparty January 10, 2014

24๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž