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The process of having been pentrated by a large staff or rod, cheifly with sexual connotations

My boyfriend Gandalfed me so hard last night.

by Chimbles2 December 8, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Gandalf the grey/white..The powerful Wizard from J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit. Uses wisdom more than magic.

1. Any soft furry cuddly wrinkly man you just want to hold in your arms and run your fingers through the hairs on his chin because his beard is so long and (sometimes) white. Elderly medieval Vikings, Noah in the movie Evan Almighty, the fat man over by the well on the first playable level in Dragon Quest VII for Sony Playstation 2, Moses, an age-morphed Jesus, and of course...Sikhs.

1. I'm glad no Balrog was camping over Gandalf's respawn point in The Two Towers.

2. Did you see that 4 foot tall Sikh? He's such a Gandalf! I just want to pick him up and stroke his beard hairs.

by Braveheart's thirst for blood April 25, 2007

18๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you are high as fuck

I just smoked a phat blunt and i am gandalfed as fuck right now.

by lil pharaoh March 26, 2019

gandalfed it

You have to drop a deuce so bad you're looking for a public restroom. As you deuce-walk around a store looking for one a powerful contraction overwhelms you. You stop in your tracks and grab a shelf to brace yourself. You feel certain that you're going to lose this battle and ruin your pants. Just as the deuce is crowning you reach down deep finding willpower and sphinctoral strength you never knew you possessed. Shaking and sweating you grit your teeth and say "YOU...SHALL NOT...PAAASS!" sending the deuce back from whence it came.

You have gandalfed it.
You gain 122 xp.
You gain 1 rank in Sphinctoral Control.

That Port-a-john was nasty but I had already gandalfed it twice so I did what i had to do.

Gandalf it bro, only a mile to the rest area.

by Gurusmurf August 22, 2017


When a guy is titty-fucking a girl, and when he cums, he cums on her chin and gives her a beard (like Gandalf).

A: "Hey man, guess what? I'm about to go Gandalfing"
B: "You're about to do what?!"
A: "Gandalfing. I'm about to go titty-fuck a girl, cum on her chin, and give her a beard... like Gandalf!"
B: "Dude, nice!"

by JFRANKtheTANK December 23, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a party commits to an occasion or arrangement, verbally or non-verbally, and fails to deliver on their initial commitment (usually pulling out of the commitment at the most inconvenient time).

The phrase emanates from Gandalf's consistently flaky actions in the Lord of the Rings series and in the Hobbit series.

In the Fellowship of the Ring, Gandalf leaves Frodo and Sam after their first meeting at Bag End, parting with a promise to rendezvous with them at Bree. Of course, Gandalf does not hold up his end of the bargain. Gandalf once again abandons the fellowship of the ring, this time more extravagantly, as he selfishly decides to pass into the afterlife after battling the Balrog in the Mines of Moria.

In the Two Towers, Gandalf abandons Aragon, Legolas, and others at Helm's Deep just before the battle begins.

In the Return of the King, Gandalf leaves middle earth as the sails for the Grey Havens, an Elvish paradise.

In the Hobbit, an Unexpected Journey, Gandalf leaves the company just before they are attacked by trolls.

In the Hobbit, the Desolation of Smaug, Gandalf bails on the company just before they enter Mirkwood. Subsequently, the company is captured by spiders and then elves.

Rett: Hey, want to play ultimate on Friday night?
Larson: Sure man.
{Friday night}
Rett: Hey, are you coming to ultimate?
Larson: I can't go anymore.
Rett: Damnit. Stop Gandalfing.

by Redbrother January 16, 2015

5๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be Gandalfed is to be blocked or stopped from passing

Hey Pete I tried to overtake you on the way home and you totally Gandalfed me!

"having my mate around on a night out is a real cock Gandalf"

by Wilsond December 23, 2013

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