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Human Geography

Easiest and most useless class. Replaces simple ideas with new vocabulary. No one really cares if you get a 5 on the AP exam.

Looking over the vocabulary and models the day before the test alone can give you a 4.

Cocky bastard: I got a 5 on the AP Human Geography test.
Sane person: Cool story bro, no one fucking cares.

by Victim of society September 18, 2011

27πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Geography Tests

Are uber-easy, all the time.

Random d00sh: omg lyk dat test was ez.
Ed: ...Your mother was easy.

by Leiko October 6, 2004

21πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Geography Teacher

pronounced (ass - hole) complete dicks.

John: " that guy cut me off then gave me the finger"
Jane: "He must be a geography teacher"

by person6669 February 6, 2010

29πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Geography teacher

A bunch of dickheads getting a bunch of unconfirmed bullshit trough your head.

-Wow what a bitch!
-Dude she’s worst then my geography teacher!

by Thelocalbitchboy May 11, 2022

Sexualization of Geography

To compare geographical phenomena to sexual acts

Person 1: 'Oh look at Denmark!'
Person 2: 'what!?'
Person 1: 'it's penetrating Sweden and Norway!'
Person 2: 'that's disgusting, you just engaged in the sexualization of geography, what's wrong with you...'

by Scandinavian explorer April 30, 2014

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

geography paper

A map

Do you have a geography paper? I need to use the map

by Kairab's foot October 6, 2021

Geography Lord

The name says it all

I heard your teacher is a massive geography lord

by Tommypoop August 24, 2020