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George is a guy you can become very close with then catch feelings but you distant yourself from him because you don’t wanna get attached to him because you know he can possibly hurt you because of other relationships that hasn’t worked for him he’s yet still funny and sweet he’s very loving and gives you the attention you need he’s just one confusing guy

George is confusing

by Nigglet #6 December 8, 2020


a hoe

Dahianna mata is such a george

by Idk who is this April 13, 2019

24👍 8👎


The most amazing guy in the world. He cares about everyone (almost) and is the nicest person you'll ever meet. He loves with his heart and isn't afraid to admit it. He is supportive and a great best friend and boyfriend.

His smile can make your knees weak and his touch gives you butterflies. His hair--amazing, covering his brown eyes, that you can look into forever. Don't get me started on his kisses. He is gorgeous.

George is commonly referred to as "Georgey". He loves to cook, but doesn't do it often. He also wants to learn how to sing.

George is very lovable and cuddly too.

Georgey Cook Talented AMAZING

by DDandGeorgey December 2, 2012

490👍 237👎


where there isnt a way George will find one, even of it means cucking his own friends or family members. while he is capable of theses things George is still a homie and knows whats up. george is generally immune to suffering, he is capable of living in almost any environment and adapting to his surroundings.some may relate george to an absolute clout smothered rat. George may come across as flighty or unreliable but only because it is clear to him where his loyalty belongs and where it doesn't

wtf george.

by imissyoucliff September 15, 2018

30👍 11👎


George is a Greek name that is typically given to males upon birth. The name comes from the word 'georgos', which in English means 'farmer'.

1. Hello George, how has your day been?
2. Come upstairs and tidy your room, George!
3. George wondered where his watch was.

by July 2, 2018

26👍 8👎


You are the best person and I George love you


by Georgesss November 21, 2019

11👍 4👎


He'll leave his kids faster than sonic can run

My Dad George left me when I was 5

by DA Hub March 2, 2020

192👍 101👎