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single going out

when there is a couple and when they are together they are going out, but when they are alone they are counted as single leaving them free to do as will.
Therefor it is when you and a girl/boy are not officially a couple but you are more then friends with benefits

guy 1 - dude, don't hook up with her you have your girlfriend!
guy 2 - narr mate she's not my girlfriend we are just 'single going out' and shes not here so i can do what i want with who i want.
guy 1 - ohok mad bro, GO FOR IT!

by Joel121212 March 22, 2008

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going out for appetizers

a casual, no-strings-attached hookup.

guy 1: Stephanie is lookin good tonight. Is she single these days?
guy 2: I'm not sure, but if it were up to me, we'd be going out for appetizers tonight.

by littlewanton September 23, 2011

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going out clothes

hooker clothes; skank wear; street trickin clothes; clothes that are too short and or small and or have holes in them

yo look at that ho all done up in her going out clothes, how much you think she charge?

by hrpaperstack May 13, 2006

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go out with a bang

When you are facing cataclysmic/apocalyptic events and you would like to have sex at least one more time before your life is over

Man, those are some big waves coming towards us... Ma'am would u like to come back to my place and go out with a bang?

by beauxfosho May 18, 2011

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Will you go out with me?

For some reason the most terrifying six words (to say) ever.

"Will you go out with me?"

or (and, according to my brain, the most likely situation)

"Will you go out with me?"

by The Second Dictionary Man December 13, 2013

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go out like a bitch

the act of embarrassing yourself in front of others by failing to respond to a challenge, or by issuing a challenge to someone else and then backing down when they accept.

1. Manny came home late and his ho Latrina cussed him out in front of everyone. He didn't say nothin and then she made him take out the trash too. He went out like a bitch. This is the past tense form of go out like a bitch.

2. This punk ass at work kept talkin' smack to me and challeneged me to step outside in front of everyone. I went outside and he never did. They all knew he was scared; he went out like a bitch.

by ArabGoBoom July 18, 2012

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Going out of your dick

Partying hard or doing something really crazy.

A person who is doing said partying or crazy action is "going out of their dick"

Guy 1: Holy shit dude, did you just jump over that hot tub?
Guy 2: Yeah man
Guy 1: Wow, you're going out of your dick dude.

by Damag May 29, 2011

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