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go back to africa

a place where Black people go to get the apprenticeship of a lifetime so a few of their descendants can get a job to make up to $15 per hour in about 500 years after they bring them right back to america in slave ships

"Go back to africa!"
"I can't you'll just bring me back here!"

by Vita Smart July 27, 2022

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go back to africa

get a job

"Go back to africa!"
"I already have a job. I can't get time off to travel. What else do you want?"

by Vita Smart July 27, 2022

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And we're not going back

Ah, yeah... That's better. That's good. That's how I should have ended it.

Iam "It keeps the darkness at bay... And we're not going back. Yeah, that's good. That's what it should have been."

by Hym Iam July 14, 2022

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I'm going back to WoW

Commonly said phrase after a WoW addicted dissapproves of another MMORPG because:

A. They're close minded and most likely can't stand playing anything that isn't WoW related, dispite how well recieved and/or awesome said game is.

B. The game acually sucks.

C. They miss their pimped out character and simply can't stand starting something new and different.

C. The game isn't WoW.

Or a combination of those.

EvE online sucks, I'm going back to WoW.

Guildwars sucks, I'm going back to WoW.

My life sucks, I'm going back to WoW.

by Dead Panda January 19, 2007

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Go back to your country

The no.1 favorite sentence of racist american whites who hate immigrants.(mostly non whites)

Ricardo: hey thats racist you fucking retard.

by Saitama 777 January 15, 2021

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Go back to your country

A sentence usually used by right wingers in America (and other countries sometimes) against foreigners.

Mark: I'm Puerto Rican, dumbass. You can't deport me because I'm not a foreigner.

by SplattieCastie June 27, 2023

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fight the go-back urge

The moment of anguish you face at a fast-food restaurant when you want to go back and get more food, yet realize that if you do, you will regret it in about an hour.

"Man, I really could go for another double-stack. I'm trying to fight the go-back urge."

by mp2009 February 3, 2009

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