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Goofy ass nigga

Jaden Wesley-Branch

He is being a goofy ass nigga right now

by mikimine July 4, 2022

Goofy Ass MF

Someone who makes random noises and posts random ass pics and gifs and is overall, a fucking goofy ass mf

"I like balls"
"Bro you're such a goofy ass mf"

by thefartman2912 September 25, 2022

Goofy ass Mf

1) someone who is looking hella stupid tries to roast you or someone else.

2) someone who says some stupid ass thing.
3) someone who does some stupid ass thing.

Man, Devon really be acting like a Goofy ass Mf. He's been saying some stupid ass things.

Alex: ay yo I hear Devon has been acting like a goofy ass Mf recently.
Jacob: yeah no he has been trying to roast us, yet he looks like Maui and acts all goofy.

by BNFSAgeless May 11, 2022

goofy ass walk

goofy ass walk is a goofy ass walk

Person a:Walking

Person b:*plays goofy ass walk*

by TiborRoblox June 10, 2022

goofy ass dxpa

it's when an user of the social network dxpnet.com went to far. an user of dxpnet.com is a dxper.
a dxper, a dxpa.

Random1: "I need a new name for my profile, which one i should choose ? why not starwars"
Random2: "that's cringe you are definilty a goofy ass dxpa"
Random1:"i know"

by metisgoblin January 14, 2017

Goofy ass person

A Goofy ass person is one who typically uses humour which is outdated or one who refers to politics in every single conversation, many iterations of a 'Goofy ass person' exist but these are the most prominent

'He's talking about troll faces, wow he's such a Goofy ass person'
'She brought up politics in a unrelated conversation, wow what a Goofy ass person'

by HopefullyGood November 20, 2022

Goofy Ass Redneck

A Goofy Ass Redneck is a Goofy Redneck

“That boy all up in the mud, he’s a goofy ass redneck.”

by yxng.qxander December 10, 2021