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A Gordon

A generic idiotic blunder. Usually caused by the absence of intellegence and common sense.

The sinking feeling as you get the the Asda checkout and realise you don't have your card. Again. And you're completely sober. What A Gordon.

by WeaZaa October 11, 2011


The verb β€œto gordon” entails an act which involves the utilisation of Gordonjectives to describe the behaviours in which the recipient of the Gordon should execute

β€œClarice got so Gordoned last Saturday, was so funny to watch.”

by Tayfyall March 17, 2020

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a traditional scottish name!! enough said there its scottish!! greatness is automaticaly assumed!! it is celtic for great (gor) hill (don or dun)!!

"aww man look its gordon" nothing else needs said!!

by tru-scot January 9, 2007

556πŸ‘ 227πŸ‘Ž


To attempt to improve something that doesn't need improving and succeeding in making it less useful.

Coca-Cola gordonized their flavour back in the 1980's.

by Andew Gardner March 7, 2008

17πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


a hot dog bun

Put one of them faddles in this gordon, please.

by detlefschremph May 7, 2011

85πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


A Gordon is that awkward boner received in class. For instance, say you have hard wood in the middle of a boring class period. The teacher calls your name to get up and answer a question presented on the board in the front of the class. At this point you have a raging erection formed in your pants. The name for this boner: a gordon

"Dude, did you see Joe's massive gordon in class today?"
"Dawg, that was a fat cock!"

by dankogkush November 25, 2014

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

A Gordon

When someone's in a discord call and says "b-" then leaves
They just pulled a Gordon

"oh hey what are you doing on the weekend"
"damn, he just pulled a Gordon"

by hey man whats up March 7, 2022