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Now if you've been around any Mexican/Latino person,you've definitely heard the term "gringo".You have probably asked why and what this term means. Well,you're probably well-aware of the racist stereotype that Mexicans do not have green cards. So the rumor goes that when American citizens enter Mexico the border patrol would ask for your green card. Then,if you showed them the green card they would say "green go".Which obviously sounds just like "gringo".

Look at this pinche gringo guey!

by Dr. Wabbit February 17, 2017

1๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


gringo used as racial term means

gringo: (ethnic slur) extremely offensive name for a Hispanic person; "only a Hispanic can call another Hispanic a gringo ".

"How are you doing gringo" "What up gringo"

white person: cracker
black person: nigga
Hispanic person: gringo

by elian hernandez July 25, 2013

2๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


a gringo is just a north american or anglo-saxon. it is usually a white person but doesnt have to be. it isnt a hateful term but it can be used hatefully. it also represents behaviour and attitudes latinos consider to be "american".

is he latino?
no hes a gringo

why wont you share your smokes, dont be such a gringo

by inkakola December 8, 2003

2934๐Ÿ‘ 1496๐Ÿ‘Ž


Term used by Latin Americans to talk about an American, it doesnt matter the color of his skin

fucken gringo :D

by Anonymous May 13, 2003

2325๐Ÿ‘ 1225๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.-In Monterrey, Mexico, we use the word "gringo" for people who were born in the US.
It has nothing to do with race. It's not derogative.It's a nationality.
If someone says "pinche gringo" the derogative word is "pinche", not "gringo".
We call them gringos because it'd be stupid to call them "americans", since America is a continent, not a country.

2.- Something from the US

1.- Derek is gringo. He was born in Boston.
2.- Q:Where did you get those jeans?
A:They're gringos.

by Regiomontana September 14, 2007

464๐Ÿ‘ 381๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gringo is a word used mostly by spanish speakers to define an anglo-saxon person, depending the connotation it can be offensive, neutral or even friendly. Also the meaning can change depending on the people that uses it.

For example in Mexico and central America is mostly used in an insultive way.
In Argentina due that most people has italian and spanian roots (white and brown hair) it's merely to describe someone that's anglo-saxon or very white and blonde, due to many "Gringos" that went to live to Argentina.

-No lo viste al gringo?
-Haven't you seen gringo?

-Ey gringo pasame la pelota!
-Hey gringo pass me the ball!

-Ese es un gringo de mierda
-That one is a fucking gringo

by Santi Ullio August 23, 2008

88๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


The word originated in Mexico, when the United States of America invaded Mexico in order to appropiate half of its territory, back on mid 19th century. Of course this action against "peace and freedom" is not in elementary school textbooks in USA, but it is in any other serious document about USA history.

American soldiers entered the country through the Gulf of Mexico, taking down the main port of Veracruz and then heading towards Mexico City. The troops were wearing GREEN COATS.

Mexican people along the way from Veracruz to Mexico suffered the advance of the enemy and many battles were fought. However, the American army finally reached Mexico City and took the city down in an epic battle still remembered by all the Mexicans: The battle of Chapultepec Castle. This palace, in the top of a hill, is the highest point over Mexico City: there was the Mexican flag, so it was a symbolic target.

The headquarters of the Military College were in Chapultepec castle too, and when the "green coats" were climbing the hill, a few young cadets refused to leave and decided to defend the castle to death. Then, when the battle was helplessly lost, one of the cadets took the Mexican flag, wrapped himself on it and jumped off the cliff were the castle is set, dying in the rocks below, thus avoiding the American army to take the flag. When the American commander saw the corpses of the cadets, he said in amazement "They are only children!". So they became in death Los Niรฑos Hรฉroes, the symbol in Mexico of the resistance against invaders: the American army... the green coats.

The war was over and USA claimed half of Mexico's territory... then the green coats went home, having gained possesion of Texas and other territories -and their resources- (the same old motif than nowadys, but the speech has changed).

Ever since, the relationtship USA-Mexico has developed into a very complex love-hate relationtship and the destiny of both nations is linked together, but back then, a new term was born in popular language: gringo (green coat)

Now, let's make clear that the term is used nowadays the same as affectionate as pejorative and as none of the above too. As complex as it seems, Mexican people can use the word with different intentions but in any case with just one meaning: it refers in a common way to USA citizens, who are distinctive not because of the colour of their skin, but because of their culture and behavior (anyone outside USA knows exactly what behavior is it!)

Other derivatives of the word include:

gringa: female for gringo, as substantive.

gringo/gringa: as adjectives.

agringado: something/someone that resembles USA culture or the American way of life.

Gringolandia: U.S.A.

As a final note i must say that the word spread to other countries over Latin America (even to Spain) where it is used to refer to foreigners and/or white people: but that's just the way some people outside Mexico understand the word!

Nevertheless, in Mexico, a "gringo" is just an American citizen. And it implies nothing else.

Gringo loco!
Crazy American!

Las pelรญculas gringas tienen los mejores efectos especiales.
American films have the best special effects.

Las gringas son facilotas.
American girls (springbreakers) are promiscuous.

Esa casa es de estilo agringado.
That house has an American-like style (meaning it is a new rich tasteless house)

Los gringos creen que son los policรญas del mundo.
Americans think they are the police of the world.

En Gringolandia pasan todas las desgracias: meteoritos, tormentas y ยกhasta Godzilla!
In U.S.A. happens all kind of disfortune: meteores, storms and even Godzilla!

by A.Gabriela October 7, 2006

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