Source Code

https: // my .urbandictionary. com / add . php

The web address I, myself, and everyone on this website that has created a definition goes through to make one (without the spaces btw since you cant include links in the examples but also have to include the name of the definition in the example thingy space)

Kyle: How do you make a definition on urbandictionary.com?
Butters: https: // my .urbandictionary. com / add . php

by urbandictionary.comlol September 17, 2023

http error 403

when u keep ur crappy vpn on for to long so u caan whatch tiranted movies bvhjjjjjjjjjjjvvv vmn ffffffffffffffffffuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk killl mre now

acccess to www.netfilx.com was denied
you don't have the authorization to view this page
http error 403

by archbug August 20, 2022


The sexiest bitch alive

Yo I wanna rail https._.minmin

by https._.minmin March 15, 2021


you are not in your write mind for looking this up so this is what happend

1) you are not on task during in school
2) you are not in your right mind

3)or you are working on a cyber security project in think this is good resource (it's gud true - every librarian)

you are on the internet and look in the search bar and see HTTPS and say hmmm what is this. EX. www.urbandictionary

by anuisIicker8888 September 27, 2019


This is the nickname of a super cool person who is
so cool
Cool again
Better than everyone

Person 1: "omg https is so cool!"
Person 2: "https is so swag"

by Uhm no so chile April 10, 2021


heading to the page

go ahead and http

by jsiakcjf March 23, 2022


Hypertext transfer protocol secure. See also: HTTP

You must have an SSL certificate to be a secure site host.

HTTPS is stupid, it just makes websites look safer for money.

by SkeletonGuy November 15, 2018