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Hallway chillin

to chill with friends in a college dorm hallway. A good way to meet people on your floor and to just chill and talk.

(3 bro's sitting in a hallway and a girl walks past)

Bro 1- hey wats up?
Girl- not much. but wat are u three doing in the hallway?
Bro 2- were just hallway chillin!
Bro 3- you should join us!

by g-dawg-35 September 4, 2011

Hallway Sex

You and your wife pass each other in the hallway, look over at each other and say, "Fuck YouI".

It's been so long and me and the wife are in such a rough patch right now that all we have is hallway sex.

by paperdoll0614 January 27, 2012

23๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hallway Cancer

While in the Hallways of a crowded area (commonly a school), the people who stand around doing nothing and end up getting in the way of those trying to pass. The cancer continues to grow as more people join the group eventually blocking the entire hallway.

I was late to History because the Hallway Cancer was especially bad today.

by Fraser91 May 25, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

hallway sex

Saying, "Fuck you" to each other as you meet going opposite directions in the hallway.

Sue and I have hallway sex nearly every day. We see each other in the hallway and say, "Fuck you!" to each other.

by scatophile July 9, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

hallway sex

when passing your wife in the hallway and you both utter "fuck you". Not as pleasurable as most other forms of sex.

"Fuck you" she said, "Fuck you" he said.

by Webster October 15, 2003

384๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž

Muddy Hallway

The muddy hallway is a term used to describe the sensation felt when engaging an extremely slutty girl in anal sex.

Multiple poundings from behind have left her back door gaping open. The tightness one would hope to feel is no longer available, resulting in a sensation similar to trying to engage a hallway in sexual intercourse.

Dude, I totally experienced a muddy hallway when I nailed Kim in her backdoor; she has one loose caboose. Something tells me I wasn't the first (or 50th) guy to do that.

Thank god I wore a rain coat condom.

by 686-1983 February 4, 2012

Hallway Hoe

Someone's bitch as hoe. Can be male or female. Even a literal bitch. Hallway Hoe is an insult meaning your someone's bitch ass hoe.

Whats my hallway hoe. Your my bitch ass hoe.

by The @realdonaldtrump November 8, 2017