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I was so happy you came

by Candieeee November 18, 2020


A strange fuckin blue unicorn with wings

"Fuck off Happy"
"But we are partners you promised"

by Cobble935 May 19, 2020

4👍 3👎


Happy is the flying blue cat from Fairy Tale - Anime TV show

Natzu: happy get over here the trains gonna leave, we don't have time to eat
Happy: but I'm hungry and the have a fish market!!!natzu a fish market!!!!!

by Little.Bambi February 1, 2016

3👍 2👎


Happy is an acroynim for "healthy and positive pothead youth"

dont be sadd(students against drunk driving) be happy!

by White Wolf December 30, 2005

17👍 26👎


Happy - having a good time or living the life usally includes family or freinds being happy can be very fun!

I'm so happy right now i would not trade anything for how i'm feeling right now!

by @I give away free knowledge May 20, 2017

2👍 1👎


You make me HAPPY!
US!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I wish I had it all figured out …

How to be in your arms
How to talk to you beyond here…
How to wake to you holding me…
How to get a tattoo…
…. You have any of the above figured out????

Until the day you can see how happy you make me, I may keep talking to food!!!

by YOU will NEVER leave my ❤️! I❤️u February 18, 2023

10👍 17👎


No… no..
We are staying in happy, forward place!!! I am happy, you are happy, everyone is happy 😃

Don’t know where you think I am… 100% in love with you, just happy and content../ I would like to be in your arms… I do wish I knew something…

What is that?
I wish I knew if I can run and put my arms around you? … other account made me ponder this… “lights are on you” and “no pressure” ….. I had sweet planning last weekend, I may have or may have not waited in the hall for 25 minutes and watched …

Like do I have to figure out a time to be alone? Or can I stand in the middle of the road?

Good thing I have 8 hrs to ponder this today

You make me happy!!!!

by YOU will NEVER leave my ❤️! I❤️u March 2, 2023

12👍 19👎