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Smelly Hawaiians

A particularly aggressive beaner that lives on a shit-hole island out in the middle of Pacific. Hawaiians usually "forget" to shower for days at a time. They are usually found wearing nasty flower shirts and shorts or board shorts that are 56 sizes too big. They have been documented to enter grocery stores, locate pineapples and take them home. Once at home they will cut them up into small chunks, at which time they will snort them up their big fat smelly beaner noses. Once high on pineapple, they WILL try to steal your bike and place it in their garage with all of the rotting surfboards they never use. They are only able to maintain their homes by selling all of the stolen bikes to pawn stars. The most famous smelly hawaiians is the giant douche dog the bounty hunter, who tazes minor criminals after they have given up the fight, once there down they will spray them repeatedly in the face with bear mace.

Those ******** Smelly Hawaiians stole my bike again!

by Ronald Goldbergsteinberg September 22, 2010

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Hawaiian Pizza

Hawaiian Pizza is a term applied when two things, that are normally fantastic by themselves, simply clash together and make the most amazing burst of flavor in your mouth. Pizza is great on it's own, but it is even better, with pineapple thrown on it! Most people that say they hate pineapple on pizza, are too much of pussies to even try it out.

"I use to say I liked pizza, but once I tried a Hawaiian pizza, my liking for pizza, turned into me loving it. Pizza honestly isn't the same without pineapple on it"

by xBungleBee June 30, 2018

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hawaiian hello

Getting your shit stolen by a local, usually on Oahu. Kit-kat bars on the front seat usually draw the most attention.

Hey officer, dude just broke into my car... All he took was my candy bar.

Ahh, he just givin' de hawaiian hello.

by Haolehammah March 19, 2018

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Old school way of referring to titty fucking

We did it Hawaiian-style last night. She put baby oil between her boobs and I squeezed them together while I fucked them. It was great.

by master_debater_1977 July 31, 2013

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Hawaiian Bread

An adjective used to describe the smell of high quality marijuana, cannabis, weed, and reefer.

Woah, dude, do you smell that???
Yeah man, it smells like Hawaiian Bread!!!

by trippyhippy123 May 13, 2015

Hawaiian Sidepiece

Fashioning an ad hoc Fleshlight by carving a hole in Spam for one's manhood. Vacationing in Hawaii and/or pineapple rings is optional

I forgot to pack my porta-vag so I guess i'm going to have to go full ham and whittle a Hawaiian Sidepiece in the Spam

by Bigevilguy August 24, 2023

kinky Hawaiian

When a guy has a 5some with 4 other people and so he straps 3 strap-ons to himself and shakes his hips like a Hawaiian dancer so he can fuck all of them at the same time.

Did you hear that Dave did the Kinky Hawaiian with those 4 girls?

by Kinky Hawaiian April 9, 2016